FT: Bickslow x Lisanna (Bixanna)

Start from the beginning

"When we were younger this was your favourite place to come and just think....when you left the guild you looked troubled so I just guessed you'd be here" She shrugged before sitting down on the grass next him.

Bickslow watched as she pulled her knees up to her chin. Hugging her legs, she stared off into the city.
Part of him wanted to flee. Run back into the city and just leave her there. But he couldn't. No matter how much his brain screamed at him to leave, his body slumped down onto the ground next to her. However he only pulled one knee up to rest under his chin. The other lay stretched out on soft grass.

"So....Edolas?" He mumbled feeling the need to say something breaking the silence that had settled in the air.
Silence meant he would be thinking about her. And he didn't want to have to confront the emotions still trying to consume him like wild fire.

"It was pretty different. Nothing like home though....I'm glad I'm back" She mumbled into her knees, still staring out into the city.

"The whole guild is glad your back" He stated. Wishing he had the courage to tell her how happy he was she was back.

"Yeah" She chuckled.
"There probably drinking half the towns alcohol supply as we speak. That's something that would never have happened back in Edolas"

"Why? Was Cana not there or something?"

"No. She was there. She was just different. Edolas Cana was the complete opposite of our Cana. She didn't believe in drinking anything but tea."

Bickslow couldn't help but chuckle at that thought. The great Cana, the drinking champ of fairy tail, a proper lady. The very notion was absurd.
"Yeah and I bet Natsu didn't have motion sickness but was a major wimp"

"How did you know?" She giggled and Bickslow felt his heart lift at hearing that angelic sound once more.

For the next hour the two fairy tail members sat on that hill talking about the Edolas counterparts of their friends. Each laugh shared caused the pain Bickslow had felt to wash away. They grew comfortable in each other presence and soon it felt almost as if Lisanna had never disappeared in the first place. As if Bickslow hadn't spent the past years heartbroken and alone. A feeling of content happiness flowed through their veins for the first time in many a year. But that atmosphere was soon to end.

"What about me? What was my counterpart like?" Bickslow asked, curiosity gnawing at him like a mouse would at cheese.

Lisanna suddenly went silent and her expression dropped. She hugged her knees tighter to her chest as she began to shiver. A single tear fell from her eye and Bickslow could no longer hold back his urge to comfort her. Out stretching his arm he wrapped it round her neck and carefully pulled her into his chest. Wrapping his jacket round her shoulder he hugged her tighter.

"Was I really that bad?" He tried to joke, but the as soon as the words left his lips he sensed it was the wrong thing to say.

"You weren't there. There was no Edolas you." She said another tear falling onto her knee as she buried her head deeper into the warmth of his chest.

"Oh." Was all could think to say.

"It's what I missed most" She mumbled into her knees.
"You were what I missed most."

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