Chapter 60 Visitation

Start from the beginning

Next morning I wake up by the sound of someone knocking on my door, I only get to open my eyes before I see Paul, Marshall's manager stand in my room. Why is he here?
"Hi Amelia, how are you feeling?" He asks me as he sit down on a chair beside my bed.
"I've had better days." I say smiling. I'm not good at showing my emotions to strangers so I always joke myself out of those situations.
"I have some good news." He says and I feel happiness spread inside my body.
"They have released Deshaun this morning and I'm counting on that I can pay Marshall's bail later today." Paul says. "Deshaun wanted to come by and see you but I asked him to go home and get some sleep." That's exactly what I would have said to him if it was me. They have been at the police station all night because of me so Deshaun should go home and get some sleep.
"What's gonna happen with Marshall?" I ask.
"He's probably gonna pay a penalty and I think they mentioned something about some anger management." Paul tells me. "The cop you know is really trying his best to defend Marshall." I feel so bad about being so mean to Jake yesterday when all he does is trying to help.
"So he can get home today?"
"Probably." Paul says smiling. I just want him here with me right now, I need him so badly, I need him to just hold me, he doesn't even have to say anything as long as he just holds me.
"What about James?" I ask.
"Right now he stands to 25-30 years in jail for abuse on a minor, attack and attempt of rape." Paul explains.
"That's good though." I sigh.
"Marshall wanted you to know that he loves you and he's going to visit you as soon as he gets bailed." Paul says and I'm already looking forward to it.
"Thank you." I say smiling.
"Have you had any visitors?" Paul asks.
"Yes my brother and his girlfriend." I say and this is the first time I speak about Tasha as Lucas' girlfriend, it's still very weird.
"It's a good thing you haven't been completely alone." Paul says.
Paul sits with me for an hour and tells me about how the whole court case and trial are going to progress. I know that the hardest moment is gonna be when I have to witness against James in court, I know he can't hurt me anymore but I just know that I have to talk about things I normally don't like to talk about.

A few hours later Tasha and Lucas visit like promised and suddenly about 30 minutes after, Deshaun and Sharonda walk through the door. I'm in total shock to see Sharonda here as well considering the fact that she doesn't like me. I'm so glad to see Deshaun but I just wished he would have brought Marshall instead, not that I'm trying to sound like a bitch or anything but I just wish Marshall was here. The worse thing is not knowing anything, I have no idea what he's doing right now, I don't know if the police are still questioning him and I don't know how he feels about all this.
"Yo shorty, how are you feeling?" Deshaun asks me as he gives me a hug.
"Better." I say with a slightly smile but I actually feel like shit, not because James hurt me but because I don't have Marshall here with me, he's the only one I need right now.
"I'm so sorry that you have to go through this." Sharonda now says behind Deshaun.
"Thank you." I say smiling but it's all an act. I don't understand why Deshaun brought her here when she doesn't like me, I don't want a person around me in this situation who doesn't like me.
"Do you have any news on Marshall?" I ask Deshaun.
"No Paul just said that was counting on that he could bail him today." Deshaun tells me the same thing Paul told me.
"Yeah he told me that too." I mumble.
"Don't worry girl, he's gonna come out." Deshaun says.
"I know but that doesn't change the fact that I need him." I say and my eyes get watery because I'm so damn frustrated.
"I know man." Deshaun says and takes my hand. They all sit with me for a few hours and Deshaun and Lucas are really trying to light me up but when I smile then it's all just an act, they're trying so hard and I just feel sorry for them trying so the least I can do is cracking a smile.

Shortly after the guys leave, it knocks on my door and I'm really getting excited because it must be Marshall, but when the door opens I then see Jake.
"Can I come in?" He asks me. Jake looks so handsome standing there in his uniform, if I was single I would definitely have tried to hook up with him.
"Sure." I say smiling so he knows that he's welcome. Jake walks over to the chairs next to my bed and sits down on one of them.
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"Better." I lie.
"Have you had any visitors today?" He asks.
"Yes, they just left." I say and I now can't hold back anymore. "Have you any news on Marshall?"
"I'm not allowed to discuss the case with you Amelia." He says. I find it very weird because I'm involved in that case, so why is it we can't discuss it?
"Why? I'm involved in that case, I have a right to know." I say offended.
"Because the gun charges against Marshall is a whole different case, it's the police and James who run that case."  He says.
"It sounds so bad." I say in a sad voice.
"I really tried to help him." He then says.
"Why?" I ask because I wonder why he would help him. He hated Marshall during high school because he wanted to date me.
"You know why."
"I really don't." I say. "You hated Marshall in high school and we were always fighting specially after you found out that me and Marshall were really serious."
"I was so young at that time Amelia, I had a crush on you and he was the only thing in the way." He says. I can feel that he still has his big self-esteem because he believes that Marshall was the only thing keeping us him apart.
"Then why do you wanna help him?" I ask him again.
"Like you said; he was only protecting you and sure he could have handled the situation differently but we all react differently under pressure." Jake then says.
"We sure do." I then agree.
Jake sits with me for two hours and we just talk about high school and about our classmates, it's funny how people rarely leaves Detroit, only two from our year has left Detroit, Robyn for example works as a photographer in a studio down on Gratiot Ave.

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