Chapter one:You again.

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   "Keep up Riley! We don't want to lose each other!" Ashley yells over the loud music as we make our way to the front of the stage.

   The dark club is packed you can barely move without touching someone or having someone touch you. That doesn't stop Ashley though, she grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd until she finds her boyfriend Logan.

   "I thought you were going to miss it."Logan smiles grabbing Ashley by her waist and pulling her to him. He plants a kiss on her that makes me blush and I have to look away.

  Ashley met Logan at campus party earlier last month and have been hot and heavy ever since.

   "Who's the prom queen?" He not so quietly asks as his eyes look me up and down.

  "Logan this it my best friend Riley, Riley this is Logan." Ashley smiles swaying into Logan.

I knew I should have changed before coming out, but Ashley insisted there wasn't time. I think to myself suddenly aware of how out of place I must look in my black swing dress and black open toe heels. I had been at a friends wedding earlier and barely made it back to my dorm room when Ashley met me in the parking lot to bring me here.

   "I had a wedding." I try and explain my outfit. Looking around I am definitely feeling out of place.

   "Okay this is it! I will see you after our set." Logan says planting another kiss on Ashley.

   "How hot is he?" She giggles watching Logan move towards the back stage. "Oh so hot." I tease her.

  Logan isn't bad looking but not someone I would go for. He has dark hair and brown eyes that compliment his fair skin that is covered in tattoos. He is thin with a muscular build wearing tight black jeans and a white t shirt. His hair is kind of messy like he just got out of bed. Ashley likes him though and that is all that matters.

  "I wish you would have let me change." I cringe still noticing people staring at me.
  "You look way hot, just a fancy kind of hot." She laughs.
   "Right.. mean while you are in that and I look like well Logan said it a prom date." I frown pointing to her tight jeans and way too low cut tank top that show off more than an eye full of cleavage.

   "Relax! Once we hear them play we can swing by your room so you can change." She says turning her attention to the stage.
   "Here they come!" She squeals as a feisty red head announces the band.
    "Here they are Wrong Way Out!" The red head yells as the lights dim out. The crowd screams with excitement and I find myself wanting to cover my ears.
    I should not have had that wine at the wedding. I know wine gives me a headache and now I have to stand arms length to a stage.

  "Look at him! Look how hot he looks!" Ashley squeals jumping up and down holding my arm.
    I glance at the stage to see Logan stepping up front and the crown goes silent while he starts to play his guitar. He knows how to play, like really knows how to play. I think to myself watching his fingers move and control the sound. I am impressed I have to admit.

   I take a better look at the other band members. They kind of blend together. I think my headache is effecting me. They sound amazing though. Soulful and edgy  but full of energy at the same time.

   "I'm going to get something to drink!" I yell over the music.  Ashley nods but doesn't take her eyes away from Logan. The girl has got it bad. I have to admit I envy her.

I push through the crowd once more cursing Ashley for not letting me change. Open toe heels are not a good idea to wear when you are going to be around crowds.

  "Fuck." I find myself cursing when another person finds their feet onto my toes.

   "Everything okay love?" A smooth voice asks from behind me. The deep voice sends tingles up my spine. Was that an accent? Before I can see who is speaking to me the crowd pushes me out of the way as they move past me to get closer to the stage and the dance floor.

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