"He's a son of my close childhood friend and his parents need him to get his life together." Mom explained.

I laughed. "Does that seem normal to you! An arranged marriage?"

Ben nodded. "You have no choice Tori, this is hard on mom and I. We both want you to have a good future."

"Am I that big of a problem?" I asked painfully. "Is this some skit to get rid of me?"

"Its not - " mom began.

I felt tears sting in my eyes. "I can't believe you're doing this to me!"

I got up and ran up to my room with tears in my eyes. My heart felt like lead as I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it.

"Tori!" Ben knocked on my door.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled in a shrill voice that made me wince too.

It seemed like I was getting my life in order and now it was being planned out for me.

"Come on, let's talk." He knocked again.

"You'll never be dad!" I yelled hashly and heard him sigh. I didn't care if he was hurt - I just didn't.

-Nate POV-

I was staying at my parents home for a few weeks - just to visit the family and take a break from rapping.

"Nate." My brother Stewart knocked on my bedroom door. He poked his head in my room.

"What's up kid?" I asked him.

"Mom and dad wanna talk to you." He said.

I sighed. "Alright I'll be down in a second kid."

After finishing up a cool beat on my laptop, I headed downstairs to talk to my parents - Kami and Monte.

"What's good parentals?" I asked as I sat down on the couch across from them.

"We need to have a serious talk." My dad said giving me a stern look. My mom nodded.

I chuckled. "I feel like I'm about to get a whipping."

My mom smiled. "No honey, we're just concerned about you."

"Meaning?" I raised my brow.

"We've seen news on you having insane parties and getting wasted and smoking your life away." My dad said shaking his head.

I chuckled. "Paps, that's kind of my job you know, I'm a rapper."

"Rapper or not." My mom said. "We're your parents."

I fell quiet. Even though I was famous, I still respected my folks - I went with whatever they said. Because I wouldn't be hitting it big if not for them.

"Alright ma." I said.

"Mom and I decided that we're giving you two choices." My said said. "You pick either one."

I nodded. "What's it about?"

"Quit your music career and move back in here, get a proper job." My dad began slowly making me cringe immediately.

"What?" I shouted. "Hell nah!"

"Nate." My dad said making me silent again. My blood was boiling at the word he had spoken.

"Or setting down and get married, you can continue with your rapping career." My mom finished off.

My jaw was on the floor. Maybe they hold of my weed and took a few long pulls? I was confused.

"No way." I laughed. "I'm sorry mom and dad but I ain't agreeing to none of that! Rapping is my thing and I love my fans."

"We just want whats best for you Nate." My mom said.

"In a grown man!" I shook my head. "I can make my own decision! I can't just find a girl a and marry her in a couple of weeks."

"That's why we're arranging a girl for you Nate." My dad said calmly.

I stood up. "What the hell?"

"Mind yourself!" My dad frowned.

"Nah!" I laughed bitterly. "You can't be serious! An arranged marriage?"

My mom and dad nodded. I looked at them in disbelief and anger. They seems serious about it all.

"I choose to be a rapper and nothing else!" I said harshly.

"We're your parents." My dad stood up too. "You forgot who helped you this far! Now let us help you get it together."

I stared at him. My anger was at exploding point. I breathed deeply to calm myself.

"This is a damn joke!" I scoffed and jogged up to my room, slamming the door so hard that it shook on its hinges.

An arranged marriage? To some girl I don't know?

Okay I bet y'all were wondering how this was gonna be an arranged marriage! :)

And remember this is like five months after the California thing so Nate and Tori can't remember each other!

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