Am I crazy? I had met these guys and was already looking for a spark. I was such a hoe.

"Here comes the man!" The guys all laughed and fist bumped him - Skate as he neared us. He had a grin on his face and his man bun was messier.

"You did good man." Derek applauded Skate.

Skate nodded proudly and then his eyes flicked to mine. He did a double take - I smiled slowly feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"You must Tori." Skate said, his hands slid into his pocket.

I nodded. Skate nodded.

And that was the end of our first and probably last conversation. I felt like a dork.

"Bathroom?" I asked Jade. She nodded and we headed to the ladies room for a while.

"I'm such a loser!" I said as we stepped in. "Skate is incredible hot and all I did was nod at him."

"Babe." Jade laughed. "He's not much of a talker with girls."

"Is he gay?" I wondered.

Jade giggled. "He's not gay but he doesn't do the relationship thing."

I nodded. "He probably has a bunch of girls anyways."

"Don't worry about him, he's just one guy." Jade said.

"Its not like I'm in love with him." I laughed. "I haven't said a word to him...he just seemed nice that's all."

Jade nodded. "Well Gilinsky seems to like you."

I laughed. "No way!"

"I swear...come on let's just get going before the guys think we flaked." She grabbed my hand and we exited the bathroom.

The rest of the night panned out so well, Jade and I kept the alcohol on the low. We danced with the guys and watched Jack and Jack perform. One of their friends, Sammy Wilkinson showed up later.

Is like all of the friends are blessed with looks. It was almost 1 a.m when Jade and I were dancing, Cameron stole Jade and I was alone.

"Tori." Gilinsky popped up in front of me. His hands were already resting on my hips, his eyes burning into mine.

"Jack." I laughed nervously. He was handsome and tall - if he liked me maybe I would be into him.

"Come here." Jack pulled me so close to him. I felt awkward and tried to pull away - his face was way too close to mine.

"I'm sorry this is - " I chuckled awkwardly.

"You like this?" Jack said biting his lip and moving his hand down my back towards my ass.

"Jack please!" I said trying to push him away. I was feeling weird now and wanted to leave.

"Come on baby - " he smirked.

"That's enough G." Someone pulled Jack off me, he stumbled into the crowd. I stepped back and looked up to meet Skate's dark eyes.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm..thanks."

"You alright?" Skate asked, stepping closer. His eyes were full of genuine concern. He was really sweet.

I gulped. "I'm fine."

"I'll get Jade." Skate said looking at with a frown. His sweetness gone and replaced by a wall.

"Skate!" A few fans came hopping towards him holding out phones for picture. He smiled immediately at the sight of fans.

I stepped back to find Jade when Skate took my hand. "Come on, take a picture with us."

His fans all insisted so I joined in and stood beside Skate. His hand slowly slid around my waist making me stiffen up. He looked at me for a moment and I felt a wave of warmth.

The picture was taken. The fans took one of just Skate and I - which weirded me out a lot. But he seemed fine with it. 

"That was strange." I laughed when they left.

Skate chuckled - his smile was so beautiful.

"I love the fans man." Skate said. "I think they like you."

I laughed. I couldn't think of what to say.

"You're living in LA now?" Skate asked pulling me down onto the VIP lounge chairs.

I shook my head. "I'm going back to London in a week."

Skate seemed disappointed. "Well I'd love to hang before you...leave."

I was caught off guard. "What?"

Skate laughed. "If you feel weird about that, we don't have to."

I shook my head. "No, I'd actually love to."

"Good." Skate smiled. "Maybe I could show you around if Jade doesn't beat me to it."

"I'd love if you did."

He smiled. I smiled.

"Jesus Skate!" Derek yelled from across us. "I ain't see you smile like that ever!"

Skate rolled his eyes, I saw a small smile on his lips. "Shut the fück up man."

"You's in love brutha!" Derek and Sammy laughed.

"Motherfückers." Skate chuckled and his his face with his snapback.

I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was.

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