Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Mizuiro was interrupted by Ichigo hastily rushing to him and grabbing one of his shoulders, silencing him. 

“Huh?” Mizuiro said surprisedly.

“Have you seen Chad!?” Ichigo said loudly. 

“N-no…not today…” Mizuiro said, sweatdropping a bit.

“I don’t think he’s here yet,” Keigo finished. “That’s weird. He’s usually here ten minutes before class. And a manly man like Chad wouldn’t miss school over the sniffles…” he grinned stupidly. “What’s this about, Ichigo? Want to play with his parakeet?” (insert obvious yaoi innuendo here :D)

Ichigo, ignoring Keigo (always the smart thing to do), rushed towards the door.

“Hey!?” Keigo shrieked. “Where you going!!” He was interrupted by the school bell, signaling the beginning of class. “Wait, Ichigo! That’s the bell!!”

I, preparing myself, quickly scribbled something down on a slip of paper and folded it, holding onto it tightly. 

“All right, people! Take you seats!!” Ochi Sensei shouted as she entered the room. “Time to explore contemporary literature!” 

Ichigo ignored her as well and rushed out of the room. 

Poking her head out the door, Ochi Sensei called to him. “Ichigo!? Where do you think you’re going!?”

“Sorry!” he said, still running. “Gotta talk to the head!!”

I took this as my queue. I stood up and ran out of the room to follow Ichigo, handing Sensei the paper I’d scribbled on earlier:


Monthly cycle. Need to go to bathroom.


I figured it was believeable enough. And even if it wasn’t, it’s not like, by the time she finished reading the note, she could’ve caught me. 

I caught up to Kurosaki, and, once he ackowledged me, he gave a thankful smile. I returned the grin and we left the school, heading for Chad’s home. 

A couple streets later, we heard a female voice.

“Ichigo!” Rukia called, running not-so-far behind us. 

“Rukia!” he said, stopping, making me halt as well.

“Find anything?” she said, catching up to us. “Any clues?”

“No…” he said a bit shamefully. “You?”

“Nothing,” she sighed. “No messages from the Soul Society, and I don’t sense anything either!” She went on an explaining rant as to why she sensed nothing. “When Hollows aren’t chasing souls, they hide between the worlds of the living and the Soul Society. We can’t locate it until it shows up in the real world to attack Chad! That’s why we wait for orders from the Soul Society.”

Kurosaki put a hand to his head angrily. “Chad’s in danger, shoot! If we wait for it to attack, it’ll be too late! There’s gotta be something…” a flash passed through his eyes. 

“I got it!” he cried. “Chad’s parakeet!”

“Aah!” I said, setting a fist into my palm, saying I understood. “We could use it to find the Hollow!”

“What?” Rukia said, surprised at our ludicrous idea. “That’s impossible…”

“C’mon!!” Ichigo interrupted. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, taking a strong stance. 

There was a silence. 

“Um…” Rukia said. “Ichigo?”

White ribbons exploded from the ground instantaneously. I quickly recognized them as Yuichi’s Spirit Ribbons. 

“This…is really…” Rukia said, amazed.

Ichigo whipped out a hand, grabbing the ribbon right in front of her face.

“Gotcha!” he said, a maniacal expression haunting his face. “This way!” he yelled happily, running in a different direction. 

Rukia and I shot each other glances, asking each other what it is we should do, and decided to follow him.

Ichigo led us to a more abandoned part of town, to a warehouse that looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. It’s roof was rusted, it’s walls had vines growing on it, and the concrete around it was cracked. 

Abruptly, Chad burst from the building; Ichigo’s sensing was correct. He spotted us, his eyes widening insanely. He sprinted in the opposite direction, trying to run from us. 

“Hey!!” Ichigo shouted. “Dammit Chad, stop running!! You need my help!!”


We all turned to see where the cry had come from. 

My eyes widened. Karin.     

“Karin!!” Ichigo cried. “What’s the matter!? You look bad…”

As he spoke, Karin fell to the ground with a whmp. 



OOh...suspense? (hopefully?)

Okay, so...whaddya guys think of Takeshi? Just curious. If you're wondering, he's not gonna be a major character, he's kinda just there to spice stuff up (and so I could do another ass-kicking rape scene) I'm not a rapist, nor do I support rape, the scenes are just interesting to write. So screw off, haters. 

Haters gonna hate O.O

...and BVB's MAKING A NEW VIDEO!!!! (fangirls) It's gonna be for "Rebel Love Song" so here's the actual song, just to prepare you for the EPIC AWESOMENESS THAT IS BVB

...and Photobucket's being an ass and not wanting to let me upload, so here's some Hitsugaya're welcome


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