Forty Four

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"I have no need to cheat on my husband, we have intimacy in our own way, we don't need sex. If you don't believe me then fine but I have not cheated on Joe to get sex and neither will I ever. We want a baby so much but if you're going to be this immature throughout the whole process I don't know if it's worth it." Demi spoke as calmly as she could before making her way downstairs. Bethany turned to Jesse as he did to her.

"That was low Jesse, you should never accuse a woman of cheating on her husband. I can see how much they love one another and I want them to have our baby." Bethany stated.

"This is my choice too Beth, I'm not just sure he can take care of the baby. I don't want to sound rude or racist but will he be able to care for our baby?" Jesse inquired.

"There will be limits but he's been in there for over ten years, I'm sure he can." Bethany answered Jesse shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know," He breathed. "I just want the best for our baby and that includes us going through this process with someone, I want to be sure."

"I know you do but being arrogant and rude to them isn't going to help anything. If we spend more time with them both we'll be able to see what he can and can't do in his chair, just be nice." She warned Jesse nodding his head taking hold of her hand as they wondered back downstairs and into the living room where Demi was now sat next to Joe.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude," Jesse stated. "I just want the best for my son or daughter and I don't know how capable Joe is in his chair."

"Then take some time getting to know him instead of being rude to us both, Joe is an amazing guy even in his chair, he'll be a great father." Demi praised.

"Do you play basket ball?" Joe inquired Jesse nodding his head.

"I'm captain at school." He answered Joe turning to Demi.

"Help me in my chair?"

Bethany was stood at the kitchen window with Demi as they watched Joe and Jesse play basket ball. Joe didn't play as much now he was working but he still found time in the week to go out by himself and sometimes with his brothers if they were here. Jesse seemed surprised how well Joe could play even though he had a clear barrier. He had scored more baskets then Jesse has as they took turns moving their positions on the court to challenge themselves.

"He's good." Bethany praised.

"When I met him he wasn't happy about his chair but when he realised he was going to be in it longer then he originally thought he started to value it a bit more and started playing with a group of young men and women in wheelchairs mainly to keep fit but also to do something. He amazed me all the time what he can do in there." Demi explained.

"I know Jesse has doubts but I think you'll make great parents to our baby." She stated Demi turning towards her.

"You mean you're picking us?" Bethany smiled nodding her head.

"My mom likes you, I'll have to win over Jesse a little bit but I want to give you both the chance." She breathed laughing as Demi brought her into a hug not hesitating to hug her back. Demi only spoke again when they pulled away from one another.

"Thank you, we've waited for this for so long. We'll do everything we can for your son or daughter." Demi vowed.

"I know you will, I have my next scan on Wednesday if you could both find the time to come down?" Demi nodded her head quickly.

"Of course, anytime and we'll be there." Demi felt overwhelmed that it was finally happening for her and Joe. She didn't want anything to ruin this for them. They've waited so long.

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