Worse Than Expected

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My God, can someone turn of the whatever the hell that is?  Wait a minute, hold up...wait never mind.  I remember, I'm in the ER.  Wait, I remember something.  Okay, I'm not dead.  Maybe this is something like a coma.  No, I feel I could wake up from this if I wanted to.  I just don't want to right now.  It's calm and peaceful, and I don't have to come to terms with what's happened. 

"Liv, please...you have to wake up.  I don't now what I'd do if I lost you.  Come on, you're my sister!  Please Liv!" 

It was Alexis.  Come on Liv, you can't leave her hanging like that.  Wake your lazy ass up, no matter how bad this freaking headache is.  I shifted over and forced my eyes open.  It was Alexis, but she hadn't noticed me yet.  She looked like she was ready to cry.  "Hey." I rasped out.  Her attention turned towards me.  Her bloodshot eyes from crying and sleep deprivation lit up and a smile graced her face.  She almost tackled me in a hug, but was aware of the large bandages around my abdomen. I guess that's where they did the surgery.

"Bout time you woke up." she said, letting her joking side show.  "I don't know, sleep seemed pretty awesome." I chuckled.  "You want me to get them?" she asked.  "Who is classified as 'them'?" I asked.  "My dad, Beckett, Ryan, Espo, Lanie, doctors probably..." she said.  "Woah.  They're here?  Like who team and stuff?" I asked.  "Yeah, they got here three days ago." she said.  "Lex, catch me up.  How long have I been out?" I asked.  "Uh, two...four...five days." she said.  "Holy shit." I muttered.  "Well at least we know you haven't changed.

"Yeah, um...can you let Beckett in first?  I wanna talk to her alone." I said.  "Yeah, let me get her." Alexis said and she left the room.  That was when I had the time to really check myself out.  I was in the plastic hospital gown, hooked up to the IV and heart monitor, and had the large white bandages around my upper chest.  My left lung.  The screaming headache and hard time breathing didn't really help.

"Olivia?" I heard at my door.  I looked up and saw Kate at the door.  I smiled and then...I lost it.  I couldn't help but feel it was my fault.  He wanted me dead, and being with them only put their lives in danger.  "Hey, shh, it's okay.  Your okay baby.  He isn't gonna hurt you.  I won't let him.  I'll keep you safe." she promised as she held me close to her chest.  "Ow.  Beckett.  Lung." I said quickly.  She pulled back and looked at me.  "I'm not gonna let him hurt you anymore.  I'll die before I let him hurt you." she told me. 

"Don't say that!  Ow.  But, like what if he tries to hurt you to get to me?" I said.  "Listen, your gonna be okay.  I'm not gonna let him hurt you." she said.  We both turned when someone entered the room.  "Oh, she's awake.  Um, Ms. Beckett-" the doctor started.  "Castle." she corrected the doctor.  "Sorry.  Ms. Castle, the results from the CAT scan are in.  Could you step in the hallway for a moment?" she asked.

"What do the results say?" I asked, wondering why she wouldn't want to tell me my results.  "I'll tell you in a minute Miss Olivia." the doctor said.  "No, she's my daughter just, just say it to both of us." Kate said. I mouthed 'Thanks' to her and smiled for her having my back.  "Um, the results came back with something we were not really expecting.  Before I tell you this...Olivia.  Have you experienced any sickness, drowsiness, or extreme headaches lately?  Or mood swings or behavioral problems?" she questioned.

I almost laughed.  "With the job I have it's kinda common, but yeah.  I actually have a headache now.  As far as behavioral problems...last week I slammed a guy against the wall because I knew he was lying under oath?  That anything?" I asked.  "Which was unnecessary." Beckett said.  "Shut up, you were impressed." I told her.  I admit, it was pretty awesome.  And she probably would admit it too if we weren't being serious with the medic.  "Olivia, those are the common symptoms of a brain tumor." the doctor said.  I wasn't sure about Kate.  But I went into a state of shock.  No, no, no, no.  I do NOT have a brain tumor.  No, it's impossible.  

"Olivia.  You have a cancerous tumor on your brain."

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