Cat and Mouse

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Kate's POV

I was hyperventilating.  I was terrified.  He knew she was here.  He knew we were here.  I wasn't going to let him get away with this.  He can kill me, but don't you dare lay a hand on my daughter!  She was shaking as the ambulance pulled up.  I'm gonna go get them." Rick said as he dashed off.  I couldn't help but keep staring at her.  Not sure what to do.  "Liv, please...don't leave me.  I love you baby." I told her ready to cry.  I rarely cried, but losing would be like losing my mother again.

"She's over here." I heard Rick say as about five people came down the hallway.  They had a gurney and I had a flashback.  When I was shot.  I was terrified for the people I loved, that was before I met Liv.  She was my saving grace.  I can't lose her now.  Eight months doesn't seem like long, but it's enough for me to love her with all my heart.

I watched them lift Olivia as I gripped Castle for support.  "She can't die.  She can't die." I cried.  "She isn't gonna die.  Olivia's strong." he said.  I was torn between not wanting her to die because I loved her, and thinking that if she died...Tyson couldn't hurt her anymore.  I couldn't believe that I was thinking like that.  "But Tyson's stronger.  If she doesn't die now, he will try and try again until he makes sure she is gone." I said, angry with myself, with Tyson, with the world.

"Kate.  You can't think like this.  Olivia is one of the bravest and strongest girls I have met.  And she knows that she can't be killed that easily.  She is a fighter, and she will not quit fighting until she knows it is her time to go." he said firmly.  I rarely ever saw him like this.  I pulled all of my fear, all of my emotions in, and focused.  "Get Alexis, call the boys.  Get them on the next flight here.  I'm going with them." I stated firmly as I went after the medics.

I saw the ambulances outside the hotel and nearly cried.  They were all trying to help my little girl.  Keep her alive.  That's what I promised her.  To keep her safe and not let anyone hurt her.  But I failed.  I felt like a terrible mother.  No, a terrible mother wouldn't care.  I do care.  And I'm not going to let some low-life scumbag like Tyson hurt her!  I went after her gurney and saw she was being hitched into the ambulance.

"Woah, woah, woah!  We can't let just anyone come with!" said a guy not much taller than me.  "I'm her mother." I snapped.  "Okay, come on Jay.  Let her on." another man from behind this Jay guy said.  "Sorry bout him.  He's new." the man said.  I nodded and just got on the ambulance.  I tried to be strong, but seeing the medics surround Liv's body.  Her breathing was shaky.  The heart rate monitor was going insane.  "Liv...please.  You can't die." I cried.  

The ride to the hospital was nerve racking.  Her heart rate bounced up and down rapidly.  I was looking down at my bouncing knees when my head snapped up at attention.  "Woah, woah, woah!  We're losing her!" a female nurse said.  The heart monitor went straight.  She wasn't breathing!  "No, no, no,no." the nurse said as she flipped on an oxygen tank.  "Please baby, come on.  We're almost there." I pleaded.  "We got her back, but not for long." the medic said.  And with that, we pulled into the hospital.  

Liv's POV

I couldn't feel or see anything.  But I heard everyone.  Like I was in a coma.  Beckett was with me.  I heard her and could feel her by me.  There were other people too.  The medics.  I could feel that they were trying to help me.  It was pointless though.  I was already dying.  I wasn't afraid to die though, let Tyson have his little victory.

"We're here.  Come on sweetie, just stick around.  You're strong.  Come on baby." Kate told me.  I want to stay Kate, I really do.  But it would be easier just to go.  It would help everyone out, Tyson would leave them alone.  If he kills me now, it would save me and them.  "Emergency Services!" I heard be shouted.

"Get her into surgery."

"Ma'am you have to stay back."

"Please Liv, stay with me."

I wanted to die.  I knew I couldn't leave Kate or Rick, or any of them.  I was going to try and stay.  Castle said I was a fighter, I couldn't show him weakness.  Stay alive Liv.  Stay in this world for them.  No matter how much you want to die and just end your pain and their pain, it would kill them to watch you die.

I couldn't feel them as they repaired my body.  I almost did die.  I heard them shouting about it.  "Come on, this is someone's daughter.  We can't lose her!" I heard a male medic call out.  I wanted to just shut down and let them do what they needed to do.  But I knew that if I shut down my body for the surgery, I would never wake up.  Come on Liv, just stay in this coma-like state.

I almost shut down for the surgery, but I didn't.  There was this like 2% of me that was hanging on.  I had to trust the doctors to help me.  I couldn't be sure what to trust though, they said they caught Kieth and he was never going to harm me or my family ever again.  But no, it was Jerry fucking Tyson all along.  Toying with me.  Like a cat playing with a mouse it caught.  It would lift it's paw and let you run a few inches, only to slam it back on your back.  Nearly killing you in the process.

That's what my life was: a big game of 'Cat and Mouse'.

What She's Made Of (Castle)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora