Not in Years

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"Holy crap!  I was out that long?" I asked, both shocked and impressed.  Apparently tomorrow was Christmas Eve.  I was in the hospital room and the doctor had just told me the date.  I did some math in my head.  I was chained for ten days and had been knocked out by the drugs for two days.  Yeah, today was the 23rd of December and I was in the hospital.  Merry fucking Christmas.  I don't go to the doctor's office for three years and this is the welcome I get?  Rude.

"When can my family come in?" I asked.  "About an hour.  We just have to finish up a few things." said the doctor as he removed my IV.  It felt a little weird referring to them as my family.  But I was gonna learn to get used to it.  I really wanted to see Beckett.  She wrestled a wolf for me, well so did Ryan...everyone helped me so I wanted to see everyone real bad.  But mostly Beckett.  I still can't believe I called her 'Momma Kate'.  I figured that if that would be last thing I said before I died, I wanted her to know that she would always be Momma Kate to me.

The next hour pretty much killed me.  Walk from this side of the room to the other, squeeze my hand as hard as you can, follow my finger without moving your head, and all that medical bullshit.  Those tests were just to make sure the doctor's had drained all the drugs from my system, apparently that kind of drug makes you loopy in the head.  The tests to prove my physical state were just ridiculous.  It wasn't anything that Lanie couldn't do.  They confirmed that I had a broken leg and they put it in a boot.  I got to take the clunky thing off in about two months.

I had to take this medicine for two weeks so that my skin cells repaired the cuts and rawness on my wrists quicker.  Those wrists were hideous!  To add to it, the medicine was just disgusting.  The first time I took it, I literally almost threw up.  I was expecting the generic cherry cough syrup taste (that's already pretty bad), but instead it was a taste I can't even describe.  And I had to take it twice a day for two weeks.  It was gonna be a painfully bad two weeks.  Maybe I can persuade Beckett into not having me take it for Christmas.  That would be fantastic, but knowing Beckett...not likely.

Soon, the hour had ticked by.  Slowly and painfully, but it did.  "Any specific order you wish to see them in?" My doctor asked.  "Ask for Kate Beckett first." I told him.  He nodded and left the room for a few minutes.  I was on the ICU Recovery floor and that was also the top floor, so I knew it would take a while to get Beckett here.  Considering that the only waiting room was on the bottom floor.  I thought about what to tell Beckett, what to say to her.  Where would I even start?  The whole team risked their lives for me.  How do you repay that?

I practiced a few things I could say to her in my head.  None of them sounded right though.  That, or none of them even came close to what I really meant.

"Thank's Kate.  For everything."  No.  Too generic.

"You risked your life for me!  Especially, when I've done nothing for you."  That doesn't sound right.

"Beckett, I can't thank you enough for what you did."  Maybe...

I start contemplating a fourth thing to say when a knock comes on my door.  Beckett's smiling face peers through the glass.  I smile back and yell, "Come in!" though it comes out more like a strained cat.  She opened the door and had a single rose in her hand.  I could tell she was resisting from running over to me and hugging me.  But she knew I was in pain and just sat down next to me on the edge of my bed.  I was smiling at her when I found the answer to what to say.  Well, I didn't find kinda just happened.  We were sitting in the silence, when I just started crying.  

Beckett pulled me into a hug and held me close to her.  "It's okay baby.  You're safe now." she whispered to me, "He isn't gonna hurt you."  I was shaking as the hot tears poured down my face.  "Thank you." I told her.  "For what girly?" she asked quietly.  "Everything.  Rescuing me...twice.  Taking care of me.  Putting up with me.  And being the best adoptive mom ever." I told her through my cries.  "It just goes to show how much I need you in my life.  Don't ever leave me Liv." she told me, hugging my body tighter.  "That's a promise I can keep." I whispered to her, looking up at her face and smiling.  She returned the smile and gently kissed my forehead.

"So what's the damage?" she asked me.  "Broken left leg, raw wrists, and I have to take this twice a day for two weeks." I said making a disgusted face as I showed her the medicine bottle.  "Alright then.  Did you already take it today?" she asked me.  "Yeah, but I have to take it after dinner tonight." I said, already not looking forward to it.  "Okay, I'll make sure you get this." she said, setting the medicine bottle to the side.  "Will I have to?" I whined.  "Yes, you're not getting out of it either." she said firmly.  "You're doing too good of a job at this mom thing." I said.  "I work with Castle, I'm pretty good." she said, getting a giggle out of me.

"When can we go home?" I asked with a puppy dog face.  Beckett gave a smile and said, "Well, they said you can be checked out around noon.  So you got a few more hours."  I looked up at the clock as saw it read 9:18.  I gave a loud sigh and flopped back onto the bed.  "I know.  Life sucks.  But guess what?  Tonight I'm taking you out so you can get something to wear for Christmas.  I have a tree set up at the apartment, and possibly got a few other things."  Beckett said with a devilish grin.  "Beckett!  You don't have to do that for me!" I protested.  "What?  I always put a tree up?" Beckett said, pretending to be oblivious.  "You know 'what'." I said pushing her shoulder.

"It's the least I can do for my girl." she said smiling and looking into my eyes.  She put two fingers under my chin so I was looking her in the eyes.  "I love you a lot Olivia.  You know that right?" she asked.  "I know." I tell her smiling.  "You know what?  I think you, may very well be, the best Christmas present I have ever gotten." Beckett tells me.  "I think I got the best adoptive mom for Christmas.  And I couldn't be happier." I say smiling.  "Come here you." Beckett tells me pulling me into a hug that I don't want to end.


Hey ya'll!  Whatcha think?  Am I doing good?  Please tell if I'm not.  I like feedback.  Tell me about anything that you would like to see happen or any mistakes I have made.  I don't watch the show 24/7 and am not caught up on every single season.  So if I make a mistake in the story line tell me what I did wrong and how to correct it, please!  I want you guys to get the full experience, and I would like it to be correct.

But if you like this book, you should check out my other books.  I have another Castle book called 'Something's Gotta Give', a Criminal Minds book called 'Raised in the BAU' and a few other random stories.  

So if you like any of those things check them out...please?  

I'll give you a cookie.

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