Wide Awake

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Liv's POV

Fuck, my head hurts.

Yep that is the first thing going through my head.  I force myself to become fully awake and aware, only to find that I'm all alone.  I get my muscles and limbs to cooperate and I feel my head.  Hair, hair, hair...it's short.  I run my hand through to wear the hair stops and measure it out with the rest of my head.  It came right between the bottom of my ear and the bottom of my head.  It probably looked like a pixie cut that had started to grow out.

I took in my surroundings and found the room white and pale blue, and smelling very sterile.  Hospital rooms had become like an unwelcoming second home for me.  I figured now was the time to let the world know I was alive.  I pressed the little blue call button and within three minutes Dr. Ruben was in my room.  "Morning Miss Olivia." she said smiling.  "Morning?" I questioned with a grumble as I propped myself up on my elbows.

"Yep, it's a new day.  And surgery went fantastic.  We just need to check a few things, and then you should have the all clear to fly to California in two days.  That will give you two days in California until your big show." she said.  This lady has my life figured out better than me.  "Yep sounds about right.  Umm, can I see my hair?" I asked.  She handed me a mirror along with my bag.  I turned until I got a good view of my hair.  Not too bad honestly.  I could rock this.

Can I see my mom and dad?" I asked and did a double take.  I called them mom and dad!  Okay no bigee it's okay your fine.  "Sure, I'll bring them in." she said leaving the room.  I collected myself.  Okay, it's been twenty four hours since they saw you, give them a minute to take it in.  Just smile and wait.  I went through my mental pep talk a few more times until they came in.

"Hey, how you doing?" Beckett asked.  "I've been better." I said sarcastically.  "I brought food." Castle said smiling.  "Thank God!  I'm starving.  I couldn't eat yesterday.  Speaking of which, did you guys go home at all?" I asked.  They looked at each other and eventually said, "No".  "Probably should have.  We leave for California in two days and you'll all be jacked up sleep wise." I said eating my sandwich.

"You were cleared to fly?" Beckett asked me.  "That's what Dr. Ruben told me." I said plainly.  "Oh, well then are you ready?" she asked.  "Yep, ready as I'll be.  I got this round, and if I go through, the group song and elimination round, then quarters, semi, finals.  Always the chance I can be Wild-Carded too." I explained.  "You think you can win this?" Castle asked.  I almost laughed.  "Yeah right.  No, there's people on there that are really good.  I can't compare to that." I laughed.  "You don't realize how good you are do you?" he asked.  "Eh." I said shrugging.

Reaching an awkward point, the room fell kind of silent.  "Like your hair." Kate told me.  "Your hair was that short once.  Remember?" Castle chuckled and so did she.  "Yeah, it's shorter than I've ever had it.  But I like it." I told her.  I twisted a short end of my hair around my finger.  The door opened and Dr. Ruben came in.  I turned to her, hopeful for some really great news.  After these long few months, I was ready for something good.

"Well, I've got news for you.  It was a success.  Full removal, this tumor is gone." Dr. Ruben said, all smiles.  I dropped my head into my knees and whisper yelled, "Yes!"  I came back up and was smiling.  "So, I'm cleared for all my flying and trips to California?" I asked.  "Yep, it was honestly the best removal they've done.  It's like it was never there." she said.  We were all smiling, and as soon as Dr. Ruben left the room I broke down in tears of joy.  "Finally." I cried.  I'm not usually one to cry much, but this just made me so happy.

"It's over." Beckett said smiling.  "You're you again." Castle said.  "Yeah, it's amazing." I muttered.  I started thinking as we all hugged.  I'm starting to think that maybe everything is gonna start working out.  Maybe I won't be almost killed, maybe I can fully enjoy being in California, maybe I might find my forever.  I'm finally me again.

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