Love You More

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Last night was pretty eventful.  Everyone came over and I got to meet Castle's mom, Martha, and his daughter, Alexis.  They are both super nice!  Alexis looks more like Martha than Castle though, so it took me a minute to figure out they were related.  Speaking of which and on a somewhat unrelated note, we told everyone about Kate and Castle getting married.  It took a minute for everyone to get the full realization, but when they showed off their rings everyone went crazy.

I'm still remembering that I'm step-daughter and step-sister to these people.  Alexis said she was so excited to have a sister, even if we would only be half-sisters.  Something seemed like it was bothering Beckett though.  I'm not sure, oh well.  We all were hanging out that night, I was mostly sticking by Kate with Godiva.  Kate said she had worked out an agreement with the landlord to keep Godiva here until we had the chance to move.  I was excited to be able to have what would be considered a big dog.  Pipa was only every going to be a small dog, but a chocolate lab?  That was a dog!

Everyone left around 10:30, even Castle.  It was just Kate and I.  I was in my room and Kate was in the living room.  I got up from my bed and left Godiva to pull a twisted rope toy to shreds.  I went over to the living room and came up from behind Kate.  I wrapped my arms around her neck and she jumped a little.  "Thanks Kate." I whispered.  "I'm loving this and all...bu what for?" she asked as she turned around.  "For everything.  Saving my ass numerous times.  Adopting me.  Just being there.  Everything." I said to her.

"Come here." she said as she pulled me over to sit with her.  I sat down next to her and she pulled me into a hug.  I closed my eyes and held on to her.  I even started crying.  I missed my mom so much, and Kate was doing everything for me.  "Sweetie, what's wrong?  There's no crying on Christmas." She asked.  "I just miss her, Kate.  The last Christmas I had was with her when I was ten.  I love you." I told her.  She hugged me tighter and whispered, "I know baby.  It's hard losing someone.  But I love you too.  So freaking much.  So do me a favor, never get to old to be my little girl?" she asked me.  "I promise." I said, looking up at her and smiling.

"I love you Kate." I told her.  I meant every little bit of those four words.  "Love you more." she told me.  "Why do adults always say that?" I asked her, looking up.  "Because it's always true." she said looking at me.  I tilted my head.  "What do you mean?" I asked her.  "There is always that point when a kid is gonna say or think that they hate their parents.  And it's because they're mad.  But no matter how mad that parent gets at their kids...they're always gonna love them.  So, they love you more than you could ever imagine." Kate said as she pulled me into her arms.

"Oh." I said, understanding pretty much everything now.  Well, not everything, but what I meant to Kate and my mom.  My mom and I would always have the competition at bedtime of who loved the other more.  I now know that no matter how much I protested and no matter how far I stretched my arms, she ways always gonna love me more.  Same with Kate, no matter how much of a pain I had been to her previously she was always gonna love me.  

"So, gotta tell you something." Kate said.  I rolled my eyes and asked, "And I thought I was done here.  What?"  She smiled as she continued.  "Well, I noticed your grades in school..." she said letting that thought settle in my head.  "Oh, did you?" I asked.  "Yeah." she said and looks a little upset.  Those were my semester grades.  I looked down in shame of myself.  "Sweetie, it's okay.  I'm not mad.  Just worried." she told me.  I looked up in a little bit of astonishment.  "Y-Your not?" I asked.  "No, I was actually so worried about it, that I switched you to an online school.  So you can work at your pace and make sure you understand everything." Kate said.

"Online school?!" I asked excitedly.  I always wanted to do online school, but I knew that in order to keep things normal in the past, I had to go to regular school and suffer.  "Yeah, I'm supposed to get the information to install it on your laptop sometime in the next few weeks." she told me smiling.  "Thanks.  I hated regular school." I said, not sugar coating anything.  "I found that out when I called your principal.  Do you recall yelling 'School sucks ass!' at your last pep rally?" Kate asked.  "Yep! No regrets." I said proudly.

Kate smiles at me and then shakes her head.  "Oh, one more thing...we have a little vacation planned." she said.  "We? Where to?" I asked.  "Rick and I, back to our favorite relaxation spot...the Hamptons.  You're coming with, it's just a little something so we can all be together and work out the kinks to this family thing.  We leave after we get moved into the new apartment." Kate said smiling.  I smiled too, this was fantastic!  "Wait, won't it be the same temperature as it is here?  Freezing?" I asked.  "No, it's actually around 75 degrees there now." Kate said, giving a guess.  "That's so cool!  It's gonna be awesome!  Right?" I ask, checking to be sure.  "Yes, it's gonna be great.  Even better having you with us." Kate said hugging me tightly.  As we stayed in each other's arms I whispered, "Love you Kate."

"Love you more Liv." 

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