Always Be My Baby

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Kate's POV (still)

I was asleep on the hallway floor when I woke up to crying and screaming.  It wasn't really loud, but I knew Olivia was having a nightmare.  I shot up and ran into her room.  She always slept through her nightmares.  I didn't know how she didn't wake up, or force herself to wake up.  I went into her room and saw her thrashing around on her bed sobbing.  "Olivia, Olivia it's okay.  It's just a dream."I told her.  She started crying and calling out, "Mommy!  Mommy make it stop!"  She was still asleep, I wasn't sure if she even knew what she was saying.  What I did know is that she just called for her mom.  I figured that if her mother couldn't be there...I would try.

"Liv, baby girl, it's okay.  Mommy's here." I whispered to her as I sat down on her bed and stroked the hair that was falling out of her braid.  I wanted her to be my little baby, to be her Mommy.  To know if she was calling out for me or not.  She was still crying as she twitched.  "Baby girl, shh.  It's okay.  Mommy's here.  Mommy'll make it stop." I told her quietly.  I brought my sleeping girl into my arms and rested her head on my chest.  "It's okay baby." I told her.  She eventually stopped screaming, and her cries turned into a soft and occasional sob.

"Mommy make them stop." she whined.  I found it all too cute that a fifteen year old girl was crying out for her Mommy to save her, and she didn't even realize it.  "Mommy's here baby.  They aren't real." I told her.  I had no idea what 'they' were, but I just wanted her to be okay.  I loved the feeling of being called her 'mommy' without her even knowing it.  She was calling me 'Mommy' and she didn't even know it.  I had always been Kate or Beckett the past few days.  Never had she called me her mom, not even in a dream until tonight.  "Mommy loves you very much." I told her, kissing her forehead.  "I love you too Mommy." she whispered.  I didn't care at that moment that she was dreaming this.  She understood what I said and told me that she loved me too, and she called me Mommy.

That was the last thing she said before she went back to a peaceful sleep.  I had her in my arms and her head on my chest.  "Olivia, I love you so much.  I don't care if your fifteen, I don't care if your will always be my little girl.  My little, baby, girl.  You may never know this, but you are most beautiful girl in the world, to me.  Mommy loves you very much.  I may not be you biological mom, but I know that she gave me a beautiful little girl to take care of. " I whispered in her ear.  

I carefully laid her head back down on the pillow before getting up.  Her hair fell over her face and I carefully pushed it back.  I looked at the table in her room as her phone lit up.  "Who was texting her at almost eleven?" I wondered.  I went over to her phone and looked at it.  The message said it was from someone named 'Jon T'.  From what the message showed on the screen, it was a sentence that started with, 'Hey O. Wonderin where u been?  Are u...'.  I had a feeling that his ended with 'Are you okay?'.  Had to be a guy from her class.  I smiled a little.  Liv was not the girl you'd expect to have a guy's number in her contacts.  Maybe just a few really close friends and family.

I picked up her phone and swiped the screen.  She didn't have a pass code on it, so it took me straight to her home screen.  Her background was of her and probably one of her friends.  It looked recent.  She was taking the picture and her friend was sticking her tongue out and winking.  Liv was wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses and giving a peace sign.  At the bottom was a caption, 'me and my brookie-cookie' with a cookie emoji.

I smiled a little.  I was happy to know that she had people looking out for her.  This girl, Brooke, seemed really nice.  I didn't want to trespass on her privacy so I shut her phone back off.  I looked over and saw her curled up and breathing quietly.  I decided that I needed actual sleep myself.  I went back over and sat down on her bed.  I would go to sleep after I made sure she was going to make it through the rest of the night.  I rubbed her shoulder and saw her curl up tighter.  She was just wearing a t-shirt and leggings, she had to be freezing.

I took the blanket, that she had pushed away while she was having the nightmare, and pulled it up to her shoulders and neck.  "There you go." I whispered.  Her nose twitched a little and she moved around a little bit.  When she settled back down again, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.  She was just so cute when she slept.  Not to make that sound creepy, but I was just so happy that she was mine.  "Avery Bell, you are letting me take care of the most beautiful little girl in the world." I said.  Avery was her mother, I learned.

Liv moved her head into my side a little bit.  I couldn't help but smile.  I took my thumb and ran it over her tear stained cheeks.  I had heard her singing, so I figured it would be a way to make sure that she didn't get scared while she was sleeping again.  I thought of a song I had heard her singing before and quietly whispered it to her.

'Always there, to warm you in the winter.

Always there, with shelter from the rain.

Always there, to catch you when you're falling.

Always there, to stand you up again...


By your side in seconds if you ask it.

Arms out wide, that welcome you to stay.

Near enough to listen to your heart song.

Always there to help you on you way.


What is a family?

Caring and devoted hearts.

With endless love to share.

Love that will follow you everywhere.


I finished the song and she wiggled closer to me.  I rubbed her head as I looked around, trying to think of how I could make this room look better.  It was pretty basic, but I wanted to make it 100% Olivia.  Then again if I let her do her own thing with it, I would probably get a call from my landlord.  I saw her clock and realized that it was now 11:30 and I should probably sleep if I wanted to be of any help tomorrow at the precinct.  "Good night princess.  Mommy loves you." I whispered as I gently moved away.  I didn't want the weight difference on the bed to wake her up.  Then again, if she slept through her nightmare, she probably wouldn't wake up to this.  I got up and went over to her door.  Her eyes were still closed as she slept on.  I stared at her for another minute before leaving her room.

This teenage girl would always be my baby girl.

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