Don't Move

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"Hey, hot stuff!  You got a guy?  I'll be yours!" A guy yelled as I looked at the body.  "Funny, it's usually Beckett getting the cat calls." Castle joked.  That earned him a smack to the back of his head.  "Come on baby, let  me show the best thing about New York!" the same guy yelled as his buddies rallied around him.  "I'm in the middle of investigating.  I'm going to have to ask you to leave, unless you carry certified identification to be here and have passed police approval." I said walking up to the line that covered the alley way.

"Come babe, let me show you the world and then some." he said extending his arms in a 'come and get it' look.  I rolled y eyes and turned back around.  Wrong move.  "Nice ass!" the same fucking guy yelled.  His friends started barking like dogs.  Why do mean act like dogs when the are so obviously pigs?  "Liv, you can can leave if you want." Ryan said, not really sure what else to say.  "Nah, watch this." I said with a little bit of happiness.  

I put my hand to my gun and switched it to safety.  I swung around and pointed the gun at the group of rude hounds.  "Oh, shit man run!" the guys yelled, tripping over each other.  I put my gun back down and laughed.  "Nice." Kate commented.  I half smiled as I put my gun back.  "So, Lanie what do we got?" Kate asked as I followed behind her.  "Our Vic died due to blunt force trauma.  Looks of the injuries, the killer hit him with something very large to the back of the head.  And he was experienced.  Everything is pretty dang clean and clear." she said.

Alright, now this one was throwing me for a loop.  "Any theories Castle?  Cause right now, I'd probably actually listen." I said.  "Time traveling cave man." he said.  I slapped my hand to my forehead and rubbed my temples.  "And I thought that would be better than whatever I came up with." I muttered. "So we got an identity on the Vic.  Jordan Kings.  He was thirty five, middle school math teacher, and a wife with and one kid." Ryan said as he approached us.  He tossed Kate the wallet he found and she looked through it.

"He also had a VIP card to a certain club by the name of 'Girls Night Out'." She said pulling out the card.  I raised an eyebrow.  Girls Night Out, was a strip club.  "Ten bucks his wife didn't know about that." I said.  "Well, we're gonna find out soon enough.  She's coming into the precinct in about an hour." Espo said.

"Alright, I'm gonna get Mr. Player here to the morgue." Lanie said.  "So 'hot stuff' you got any ideas?" Espo teased me.  "Yeah I do.  And your looking for a radioactive cricket in your house." I defended.  "What would a radioactive cricket do?" he asked.  "Easy, crickets are annoying and radioactive stuff is dangerous." I said as I looked down at where the victim was.  There was close to no blood, and there was a decent amount on the body.  Dried blood.  

"He was brought here after death.  He had to have died at least two days before he was brought here.  If he has a wife and a kid and a job as a math teacher, wouldn't there have been a missing person report?" I asked.  "Kid's got a point." Lanie said, "I was starting to notice that myself."  "How the hell do you figure this stuff out?" Ryan asked.  "The same way you guys don't.  I use my brain." I said sarcastically.  "Watch it you guys." Kate said not looking up from her phone.

"Yes mother." I said sarcastically.  "That's different she pretty much is your mother." Espo said.  I laughed and took a step back.  I shifted my weight unto my other foot and heard the slightest little 'click'.  I thought at first that it was just the buckle on my boot.  "Did anyone else hear that?" I asked quietly.  "Can barely hear you.  What?" Beckett said.

"Beckett...I think I just stepped on a bomb."I said quietly.  "What?!" she asked.  "I heard a click.  Like something turned on.  And it was when I took a step back and shifted my weight." I said in the same low and slightly shaky voice.  "Don't move." she said quietly.  "Well duh." I muttered.  "Guy's back up." she said.  "What's going on?" Castle asked.  "We think Liv's on a bomb." Beckett said.  Everyone took about three steps back.


"We don't know how it got there.  But she is on a bomb." the leader of the bomb squad said.  "Is there a way to deactivate it?" Espo asked urgently.  "Not sure, we don't even know how to get to it." the man said.  "Well can you do me a solid and figure out how to get to it?" I asked.  "Kid, we're gonna do everything we can." he said.  I let out a breath.  I didn't move a muscle.  I didn't shift my weight.  I didn't move at all.  I don't think I was supposed to hear this, but I could over hear Beckett and Castle's conversation.  

"Castle, what if it's like the one I was on?  What if it's timed?"

"Kate, we don't know.  We don't even know how it got there."

"Well they better figure it out!  That's my daughter on that thing!"

"I know Kate!  You're forgetting that she's my step daughter!"

"Guys I know!  I can hear you!  I have as good of an idea as anyone else." I yelled.  They both turned around came over to me, but stopped at the yellow circle that had been spray-painted around me.  "Olivia, we're gonna get you off that thing.  I promise" Castle said.  "Castle don't make a promise you're not sure can be kept." I said.  "Liv, we will get you off that.  Not sure how, but we will." Kate said.

"Guys, go back to the precinct and figure out who murdered Jordan Kings.  If we're lucky it might be the same person who put this bomb here." I said.  "Liv, we can't leave you here by yourself." Kate said.  "Don't worry about me.  I got the bomb squad to keep me company." I chuckled.  "Actually we have to stay back.  If we don't know what this is or where it is...we can't really stick around." one guy said.  Okay, now time to have a mini panic-attack.

"Liv, I'll stay with you." Castle said.  "No Castle, don't risk your life." I said.  "Well if I don't stay, who will be your bomb buddy?" he asked.  I rolled my eyes.  "Guys, I'll be back.  Liv, just stay still.  we're gonna get you off there." Kate said.  I could tell she wanted to hug me and keep me safe.  But she just held my hand from behind the circle.  

When she let go and left, it was just me and Castle, and the packing bomb squad.

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