Florida Dreams

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The next morning I wake to my own crying.  I had the worst dream in the history of ever.  I was watching my mom be killed.  I swore I could see the guy who did it, who caused the accident.  Then across the street I was watching Haley be killed.  I tried to run to both of them, but I was in a box.  I couldn't do anything.  I saw the guy who killed Haley.  I hadn't before. He was a white male, early thirties, black hair that flopped over his right eye, brown eyes, truly terrifying.  I was screaming in my sleep.  

Beckett shakes me awake.  "Olivia!  Wake up!  Olivia, it's a dream.  It isn't real." she says as she hold my shoulders, looking me in the eyes.  "It was!  It happened!" I cried hysterically.  I was shaking and sobbing.  "It happened!  I saw it, Beckett!  They all died!  I saw who did it!" I cried and then stopped abruptly.  "I saw who did it.  I saw who did it!  Beckett I saw them!" I yelled happily.  I grabbed my notebook and started sketching.  Long face, tan skin, long black hair, brown eyes, muscular, creepy.  "Is that who you saw?" she asked.  I looked back at my drawing before answering with nod.  

"Let's run it.  We can compare the drawing with a profile." she said.  She took a picture of it and wait a few minutes for it to load.  "You good at drawing." she says as we wait.  "Thanks, not my best." I said.  Pipa wakes up and follows us into the living room.  I set her on my lap and scratch her head.  "Nothing." Beckett says as the scan finishes.  "Fuck." I mutter.  "I have heard more curse words come out of your mouth than I have heard from an old sailor." she said.  "It's a transition word.  To me, it's no different than saying caterpillar." I said laughing.

"Well, I thought we could stay here today and figure each other out.  Just you and me?  You didn't seem all that happy with everyone there." Kate asks.  "Sure, I mean, I guess." I said.  Not like she was letting me go anywhere.  "Alright, you want anything to eat?" she asks.  "No, I'm okay." I said.  "That wasn't really a question.  Your eating." Beckett said.  I bit my lip.  I wasn't in the mood to eat.  I'm not anorexic, but there are times I just don't wanna eat.

"Pipa." I called over.  I grabbed my laptop as Pipa trotted over to me.  I opened a new tab as Pipa sat in my lap.  "Pipa, we are gonna get out of here as soon as possible.  I'll find a new place for us to live.  What do you think about...Florida?  We could grab a train or bus.  Go all the way to sunny Florida.  We can work in Florida as therapy workers.  You could be a therapy dog." I said into Pipa's ear.  I was having the perfect fantasy in my head.  "What about Florida?" Beckett asked coming into the room.

"Nothing." I said sheepishly. 

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