Moving Out...

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I was putting the guitar I got for Christmas in the case along with all my other belongings into boxes.  Today was moving day.  I really wasn't sure I wanted to leave.  Yeah I've only been here about three weeks, but this little apartment grew on me.  But, if it was no longer going to be just me and Kate, I guess we had to.  I was looking forward to it though!  Me, Beckett, Castle, and Alexis on would be fun.  Oh, Godiva too.  She was currently being of no help, chewing on a plastic water bottle.

"You doing good in there?" Kate asked sticking her head in my room.  "Yeah, so far so good." I said as I tightened my falling ponytail.  "Alright, Castle and I are just about done with the kitchen.  Be done in here by noon.  We're arranged to be at the new apartment by three" Kate said as she left.  I looked down at my phone, 9:56.  Crap, I gotta get to work.  I still had to pack up my clothes and the stuff off my walls.  I closed my guitar case and leaned it against the wall.  I went to my closet and started just grabbing clothes off the hangers.

I sat down on my bed, which I had already stripped of the blankets and sheets and let out a sigh.  I wasn't really enjoying this.  I was still having a mini-headache from New Year's two days ago.  I had done New Year's in New York for quite a few years, but being right in the city this time and actually staying short, I was a non-alcoholic version of 'hammered'.  I had been taking head medicines like they were candy.  Speaking of medicine, I was actually learning to suck it up with the medicine for my wrists.  I still hated it, but I was dealing with it.

I started putting my clothes into the many cardboard boxes that made my room look like a maze.  Like the catacombs in the Greek stories about the minotaurs and stuff.  I pushed a stack of boxes against the wall and then revealed three empty boxes.  "Alright, here we go." I muttered as I started putting my clothes into the boxes.  I did this routine of grabbing clothes and putting them in the boxes a few more times, until my closet was empty.  Now for clearing my walls.

I didn't have a whole lot to take off, just a few posters and I had to dismount the picture of me and the class of kids from last year.  I loved those kids, okay I admit, I love them all!  I just love being with kids, as much as I wanted to be a demonologist or a detective, I also wanted a job with kids.  If I wasn't dyslexic, I could see myself running around with a group of grade school kids at a school.  I loved the kids I worked with this year, they all were so different and had personalities as bright as the sun.

Oh crap, quit thinking about stuff and get to work.  I've got like fifteen minutes!  I took my posters down and rolled them.  I secured them with the collection of rubber bands I kept on my wrists.  When I removed them I had to roll down my sleeves though.  When I got nervous I would start snapping the rubber bands on my wrist, forming a group of red lines.  I rolled down the sleeves of my galaxy themed sweater until they covered my wrists.  I looked around the bare walls and checked to make sure I had everything packed.

Yep, that would be everything.  I stepped over the boxes and made my way into the living room where Beckett and Castle were trying to disassemble a table.  Something I could probably do.  I used to help my mom work on building cars and houses when we were living in Indiana.  "I'm done." I said.  "Alright, did you label them?" Kate asked.  "Yeah.  Start taking them out?" I asked.  "Yeah, put them right there." Castle said, pointing to the hallway corner.  I nodded and started moving the boxes to the hallway.

I moved the last box as the two of them finished putting the table away.  " that room...I think that's everything.  We can start packing the trailer." Kate said, referring to the U-Haul van downstairs.  "Alright then, let's move!" Castle said, picking up a box.  I carried two boxes on top of each other downstairs.  We repeated the process a couple hundred times.  Everyone getting boxes and lugging them downstairs.  After an hour there were none left.  We had to be careful a few times, because Godiva tried to slip out and wreck havoc in the hallways.  

I got her travel crate and put it in the back of Beckett's car.  "G!" I called out at the open apartment door, and Godiva came barreling out of the empty apartment.  I picked her up and carried her downstairs.  Well, I almost did.  I stood there for a minute just looking at the empty apartment.  The place I had been able to call a home.  Now I'm going to a new one.  I was happy though, I know my mom would be too.  I let out a sigh I had been holding in.  

Okay, now I was really going downstairs.  I knew that Kate and Castle where downstairs waiting for me.  I got to the bottom floor and saw them attaching the trailer to Beckett's car.  I put Godiva in the travel crate and helped them attach it.  I was pretty good at this stuff.  I attached the trailer faster than the tie it would have taken them to get it.  "Thanks Liv, how'd you do that?" Castle asked.  "When I was living in Indiana, my mom had a lot of odd jobs besides her main job.  Most of which included working on houses and cars.  I was her tag along, so I picked stuff up after a while." I explained.

"Alright then.  We got a twenty minute drive to the new apartment.  Let's go." Kate said.  We all got into Kate's car as Godiva panted excitedly.  Castle got in the driver's seat while Beckett took the passenger side.  I, as per usual, took my pace next to my dog in the back.  Before Castle started driving Kate was looking at the apartment with this look in her eyes.  A look of happiness, but also loss.  Like when your kid graduates.  You're happy for them, but you also know that it means they're gonna leave and go to college.

"Alright.  Let's get to our new house." 

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