Ivy (Part Two)

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"Wow.  Liv, that...that's amazing." Was all Ivy said.  I told her everything that happened from the moment she left.  "Yeah, not the typical stories we would tell.  Huh?" I asked half-smiling.  We would always tell each other stories before going to sleep.  She would tell me stories from the first time she was in the army or when she was a kid.  I would tell her my memories of my mom or stuff that I had done before.  We didn't need a story book to make each other's lives interesting.

"So, detective huh?" she asked.  "Yep." I answered showing her my badge.  "Now we both got our badge of honor." she said chuckling.  I smiled as she handed the gold shield back to me.  "So, when did you come back?" I asked.  "Three months ago.  Right around beginning of March." she said.  "Oh yeah, um they...uh...they took me in around end of December." I said, stuttering a bit.  "Yeah, I-I came back and you were gone.  I thought someone might have come and taken you.  Well, you did get taken in by someone, but I thought they would like hurt you or something!" Ivy said.

"I'm fine Ivy." I assured her with a smile.  "I've noticed Detective." she said chuckling.  We sat in silence for a few moments.  I broke it.  "You remember the song?" I asked.  "How could I forget?" Ivy said.  When I was staying with her we had talked about what I would do if she got called back to the army.  We promised to always remember each other.  There was this song on this show I used to watch when I was like eight or something.  It was called Big Time Rush and there was a song called 'Worldwide'.  It's about how the boy will never forget the girl no matter where they have to travel and be apart from each other.  That was our song.  

"I'll be thinking about you worldwide." Ivy said as she met her gaze with mine.  "We'll pick up right where we left off." I said, saying the next line in the song.  "So, should probably tell you something." Ivy said.  "What?" I questioned raising one of my perfectly arched eyebrows.  "I'm kinda engaged." she said as she held up her left hand.  I noticed the diamond ring on her ring finger.  "Ivy!  That's awesome!" I yelled as I shot up and hugged her.  "Who to?" I asked, suddenly really happy for her.  

"It's this guy I met in the army.  His name's Kieth.  He's a sniper.  I love him a lot, and he loves me." Ivy said, almost like she was in a dream land.  "I'm happy for you Ivy." I told her smiling.  "Thanks Liv, so..." she said, not sure how to continue the conversation.  "So..." I mimicked her.  She smiled and then asked me, "Were you okay?  After I left?" I thought about it.  I couldn't tell her about that one time.  "Liv, I know when you're hiding something.  Tell me." she begged as she rubbed my hand in hers.

"I-I got depressed for a little while when I was thirteen.  Like right after you left.  I missed you so much and I-I...I really didn't mean to." I stuttered.  "Olivia.  What did you do?" she said.  I knew she was dead-serious.  She never used my real name.  "I-I didn't eat.  And-And I cut a couple times.  I wanted to die." I said quietly.  A tear ran down my face as I remembered that time.  I was so scared, Ivy couldn't protect me.  I was all alone.  My mother's death had clicked with me.  I was depressed and almost killed myself.  Almost.

"Liv!  Oh my God!  Sweetheart...why?  You're strong, you-you could have beat it.  You could have video-called me.  I would have been there for you." she said as she hugged me.  "It's okay.  I'm better now.  I've got those guys." I said as I pointed out the window to the team.  "Speaking of which, I should probably let you get back to your job Miss Detective." Ivy said.  "Yeah, we got a murder to solve.  If they haven't already." I said smiling.  "I'll see you soon." Ivy said.  We hugged, and just like that she was gone.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket.  I pulled it out and saw a text from an unknown number.  "I'm never too far away - Ivy" it read.  That con artist.  Well, not exactly con artist, but she was known for putting things in a different place.  In this case she had gotten my number into her phone without me knowing.  I came out of the break room and met back up at the murder board.  

"You okay?" Castle asked me.  "I'm good." I said.  I focused my attention on what Espo was saying about our suspect.  It was hard to focus though.  I couldn't stop thinking about my first savior.  Without Ivy, I probably would have died on the streets or killed myself.  I never would have met Beckett or Castle, or any of them.  Pretty much everything I had in life, could be credited back to Ivy.

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