Work the Case

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"Something just doesn't make sense!  That was her voice on the recording!   This isn't adding up!" I complained in my head.  I ran a hand through my hair as I stared at my laptop with the file on the screen.  We were trying to figure out who murdered Allison.  I furrowed my eyebrows together as I looked into one of the suspects again.  "Hey, any luck?" Espo asked as he sat down in front of my laptop.  "Nothing that we haven't already found.  I'm looking into the suspects again.  Judy Walstra's voice was on that phone call, but her alibi about being with her friends and not taking phone checked out." I groaned.  "Don't worry kid, you're gonna figure it out.  We all are.  With your help, I bet it'll get done ten times faster." he said smiling.

"You think so Javi?" I asked.  "I don't think...I know.  You got this for a reason." he said as he left my desk.  I looked at the name plate on the desk, 'DET. Olivia Beckett'.  Detective Olivia Beckett.  It did have a nice ring to it.  Especially when meeting suspects and introducing myself.  Except for that one asshole we talked to.  Man, I hated him!  His exact words were, "You really brought in a five year old to investigate a case?"  I had to roll my eyes at that and just follow Beckett's lead, but he gave off a weird vibe.

I opened his profile.  Nothing was jumping out at me.  David Canter had no criminal record, married with three kids, typical cab driver, but he was on the phone with Judy Walstra!  She didn't call him and never got a call from him.  I looked at credit card records and looked for anything that showed a red flag.  And I think I found one.  A thirty-five dollar credit card charge at an electronics store...the same basic amount as a standard voice recorder!  "Beckett!  I got something!" I yelled.  "What you got?" she asked as she looked on my computer screen.

"Judy said that she did not talk to David on the phone, but she DID meet with him a few days before, right?" I asked.  "Yeah, why?" Beckett asked.  "Because look at this.  This is around the same price of a basic voice recorder.  And that purchase was made before he met with Judy.  He recorded their conversation and put pieces together to create a fake conversation.  Even if she didn't say what he wanted her to, he could use her voice tone and insert words so it would still sound like she said it.  I know this is what he had to have done." I said quickly.

"You could be right, Castle get Tori to go over that call again.  Liv go and listen in to that call again.  See if you notice anything." Beckett said.  I grabbed my laptop and went to Tori's bullpen.  "Nice work." Beckett whispered in my ear.  I smiled and went into Tori's office.  "Hey Tori, can you pull up that call between Judy and David again?" I asked.  "Already got it up.  Did you have your suspicions too?  That the phone call was a fake?" she said.  "Read my mind." I said as she hit play.  I listened to the conversation and could just barely hear the times he had to piece together the conversation.

"He did fake the call, which means..." "He's our murderer." Tori said, finishing my sentence.  He faked the call, tried to pin it on Judy for murdering Allison.  That and he was the cab driver who wanted to make sure everything was 'okay'.  He wanted to make sure the job got done.  I had drawn my conclusion.  "Guys!  I got it!" I yelled as I went to the murder board where they were all surrounded.  "What did you find?" Ryan asked as I went to the board.

"I know who murdered Allison Thompson." 

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