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We left the Hamptons last week.  Liam and I agreed to just be friends since it would be hard to see each other.  It almost broke us apart to have to leave each other.  I hated having to leave Bailey and Matt too.  But we had to go back to the real world.  I was supposed to start online school today.  But this set up is awesome!  It's like college, you only have a few classes each day.  Some may be an hour long, some may be five hours, some days you have one class other days you have five.  It was pretty awesome if you ask me.

I had just finished my history course for the day and it also marked my first and last class of the day.  "Finished, now it's time to do...nothing." I muttered, realizing I had no plans for the day.  "You finished?" Beckett asked as she came into my room.  "Yeah, just finished.  Now, I'm bored out of my mind." I said, closing my laptop.  Beckett's phone rang and she answered quickly.  "Hello?...Yes, Sir...Olivia?  My Olivia...I suppose she could...Yes, we'll be right there." Beckett said, drawing my attention.

"What about me?" I asked as Kate hung up.  "Gates wans to speak with you at the precinct." she said as she started to leave my room.  "Woah, woah, woah!  Why me?  What did I do to be on her 'nice' side?" I asked, totally confused.  "I don't know, she might fill us in when we get there.  But get ready to leave." Kate said as she left.  "Alright." I muttered.  I changed into a pair of jeans and a white button down with my red cardigan.

"I'm ready." I said as I went into the living room where I found Kate and Rick wayyyy too close for me to be comfortable.  "Oh God." I gagged.  "Shit." I heard Beckett mutter.  "No, I'll leave.  However, you two will be late." I said smugly.  "We're coming." Kate said as they got up and followed me out.  We made our way through the streets to the 12 and Espo and Ryan seemed a bit surprised to see me.  "Hey, what you doing here?" Ryan asked me.  "I don't know." I said.  And as if on cue, Gates came out.  "Olivia Beckett?  Could you come in a moment...alone." she said, adding 'alone' as Beckett and Castle turned.  As if they were going to follow me. 

"You wanted to speak with me, Sir...alone?" I asked as I stepped into Gates' office.  She nodded and closed the door behind her, then locked it.  "That is correct.  I needed to speak with exclusively." Gates said.  I sat down across from her at the desk. "Olivia...I have a proposition for you on this team." she said quietly.  "Meaning?" I asked trailing it out, hoping for a more elaborate description.  "As a detective." she said, showing a rare smile.  "Me?" I asked, just to be sure.  "Yes, Beckett has told me all about your research on your mother and friend's case.  And how you stayed strong in your abduction.  I want to offer you a spot as our youngest detective." she said. 

And now onto your question.  'Why me?'  Because Olivia, you worked diligently on a case we closed years ago.  Two in fact.  You figured out the victims and potential victims of someone who was considered one of the most cunning serial killers in all of New York.  You never quit working on those cases...just like Kate.  Which is why I like you.  I would never do this for anyone else, but you remind me so much of Kate.  You never give up on finding justice for those who deserve it, you work hard, you notice detail, and your stubborn as hell.  But you know to follow your instincts and orders.  Which is why you will make a great detective. 

"But and you would require a bit of field training.  I'm sure it's nothing your mother can't teach you though." Gates said.  I was trying to hide a smile.  "I"d greatly appreciate that.  Thank you Sir." I said smiling.  "Well then in that case, welcome to the team Detective Olivia Beckett." Gates said as she shook my hand.  "Thank you Sir." I said.  "Your very welcome.  I suppose I should give you this." she said.  She took out a badge the said 'Detective Olivia Beckett' and handed it to me.  I smiled as I accepted it.

"So how'd it go in there?  What she say?" Kate asked as I stepped out.  "Well, you are looking at the newest, and Beckett may I add 'youngest', detective on the NYPD homicide department." Gates said as I held up my badge.  Kate had the biggest smile and everyone else looked shocked, surprised, and very happy.  "That's fantastic!" Kate said as she side hugged me.  "Two Becketts...damn.  We're all done for." Espo muttered, but still smiling at me.  "Congrats kid." Ryan said, patting me on the back.  "That's 'Detective' to you." I said smiling.  "I'd say drinks for all tonight, but your underage." Castle said, pointing at me.

I smiled and looked back at Gates, mouthing 'Thank you'.  She smiled and nodded at me.  "Oh and by the way, there's a murder.  Detective...your first official case." Ryan said to me.  I smiled and asked, "I've never officially done this...where do we start?"

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