My Middle Name (Part 2)

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"Olivia Beckett, NYPD." I said as I showed my badge to the man at the door.  I didn't have to say anything else.  The man took off towards the window after slamming the door.  Well, he didn't slam it.  I stuck my foot in then Beckett and I pushed in.  Espo and Ryan went after to detain him.  They got him on the balcony of the widow.  He brought him towards me and Beckett, not yet hand-cuffed.  "Do the honors?" Beckett asked as she handed me the hand cuffs.

"Really, I'm about to be arrested by a ten year old?" the guy muttered as if it were some joke.  "You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will  be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney.  If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as read?" I asked as I placed the cuffs on his wrists behind his back.

"By the way, I'm sixteen." I muttered so he could hear me.  I had my hand on his shoulder as I pushed him out.  What I wasn't expecting was for him to jerk his clenched fists at me and hit me right in the stomach.  I almost fell to the ground.  He stepped over his wrists as I yelled, "Ryan, Espo, Beckett!" They came rushing over to me as he started to run down the hall.  Javi and Beckett took no hesitation in taking off after him.

"You okay kid?" Ryan asked as he came down next to me.  "Yeah." I gasped.  I was a little sore and would probably have a pretty purple bruise there later.  "At least that happened after I read his rights.  Now 'assault of an officer' can be added to his list." I said smiling as I stood up.  I stood up and popped my neck.  "You recovered fast." Ryan commented.  "I've had worse." I said.  "Huh?" he asked.  Luckily I got to dodge his question since my phone rang.  

"Liv." I answered.  "Hey sweetie, we got him in the squad car.  You alright?" Beckett asked.  "All good." I said.  "Alright, you two come on down." she said.  I had to avoid from saying, "You are the next contestant on The Price is Right!"  "You good?" Ryan asked as I said that we could go.  "Yeah, I'm fine." I said brushing it off.  I carefully placed a hand over where he hit me as we went down the stairs.  "You sure?" Ryan continued to push as I went out the door to the street.

"I'm fine." I slightly snapped as I went to where Castle was.  "You alright?" Castle asked as I leaned on the hood of his car.  "Why does everyone keep asking that?!" I half groaned half laughed.  "Well, I heard you got-" Castle started.  "Punched in the stomach, yes it happened.  But I'm fine!" I insisted.  "Well, then let's go.  Kate said she'll meet us up at home later." he said.  I nodded and got into the passenger seat of his car.  "Where'd she have to go?" I asked.  "Not sure, she didn't say." Castle said.  By the tone in his voice, I could tell he wasn't lying. 

When we got back to the precinct, Gates was waiting for us.  "Detective?  A word?" she asked.  I hid my worry and pain and just followed behind her.  I went into her office and stood across from her.  "Detective, I heard today you were insulted and assaulted by our killer." she said.  "Yes.  But really, it was nothing." I assured.  "Well according to Detective Ryan, it seemed like a bit more than that." she said.  "Sir, I can assure you.  I'm alright.  The insult was nothing, and I've been punched harder by the boys I used to go to school with." I chuckled.

"Well, as long as your alright." she said nodding towards the door.  I took it as a signal to leave and left her office.  "Oooh." Ryan and Espo teased as I came out.  "Shut up you girls." I said as I went past them.  "It was nothing." I assured Castle as I came up next to him.  "Just making sure I was alright." I finished.  He nodded and said, "Alright, so have you heard from Beckett?" he asked.  I shook my head.  "You are her husband, isn't this like a marriage rule?  Know where each other are?" I asked.  "We play by different rules." he said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Ew.  Young and innocent mind here!" I said holding my hands up and making a semi-disgusted face.  "Oh yeah, innocent." he said as we started to leave.  "We're out." Castle said as we started towards the elevator.  I went to pick up my bag at my desk.  After picking up my bag I saw the elephants on Kate's desk.  I smiled when I looked at them.  She said that she was given them by her mother.  They reminded her of a family. I ran my fingers across the backs and grinned.   

We went back to his car and I leaned back in the passenger seat.  We drove home in silence as I took a deep breath.  "Tired?" Castle asked as we pulled into his parking space.  "A little." I said.  "Wears you out, being a badass cop." he said.  I rolled my eyes and went up to the apartment.  Kate was there when we came up.  "Where'd you go?" I ask.  "Had to get something." she said, being vague.  I mentally shrugged and went to shower.

I showered in my bathroom and hummed to myself.  "I'm gonna love you, until you hate a black widow baby!" I sang quietly.When I was done showering, I put my blonde hair in a side fishtail braid and got into my black yoga pants and pastel blue t-shirt.  I laid down in my bed and set my laptop down on my lap.  Three hours passed on a variety of tumblr, twitter, and pinterest before Kate came into my room.

"Hey, you've been awfully quiet." she said as she sat down on the edge of my bed.  "Yeah, lost track of time.  I think I'm gonna go to sleep.  Oh, when did you say the form for 'The Voice' was due?" I asked.  "Friday, tomorrow." she said.  "Well, if we could get it officialized...I changed my mind." I said grinning.  "You want a middle name?!" she said excitedly.  "Yeah, why not make it longer?" I said laughing slightly.  "So what do you want your middle name to be?" she asked excitedly.  I could tell the suspense was killing her.


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