So What's Your Story?

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"I'm so sorry about that.  You must have felt so awkward!" I apologized as soon as we were let off the shoot set.  Mike chuckled and looked at me.  "I'm sorry for you.  I know that is not what New York's finest really does.  I'll try to make sure they never get out." he said with a wink.  I let out a breath and smiled.  "Thanks Mike." I said, biting my lip again!  God Liv, you are terrible!

"We still up to Netflix and glaze?" he asked as we went to his car.  "After this day, I need it!" I said as I leaned my head back on the passenger seat.  You wanna go straight to my hotel or do you wanna go back to your hotel first?" Mike asked as we pulled out of the lot.  "Let's just go straight to your place." I said.  Good God, Liv!  What is wrong with you?  You are seriously gonna go hang out at Mike Taylor's house after what just happened?

"Alright, good with me. wanna start on that 'long-ass story' you were tellin' me about?" Mike asked smoothly.  How was this guy so good?  "Um well, where do you want me to start?" I asked laughing.  It was all depending on what he wanted to hear.  "How did the whole cop thing start?" he asked.  Well, I could either start that with Haley or my mother.  Best to start from the beginning.  As we drove down the palm tree lined roads I started from the beginning.

"My best friend Haley died when I was ten.  We finally caught the guy who killed her a few weeks ago.  He was a...a terrible man.  I hope to never see him again.  He also killed my mother in a 'car accident' right after I turned eleven.  My mom was a single-parent, so when she died I ran away and ended up living in a halfway house with a friend I made on the streets.  Her name was Ivy, but she left about six months later and went to fight in the war.  She was a sharp-shooter.  Time went on and I figured that she was killed.  I lived in that half way house for almost five years on my own."

I got about that far when we turned into a beautiful hotel.  "Wow, that...that sucks Liv.  But how did you become a cop at like fifteen?" he asked as we climbed the exterior stairs to a balcony door.  "I'm getting there." I said as he unlocked the door.  The door opened to show a beautiful hotel suite.  It made mine look like a Super 8 room.

  It made mine look like a Super 8 room

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"This!  Being rich does have it's perks don't it Mikey?" I said raising my eyebrow.  "Thanks.  Did you just call me Mikey?" he asked.  "Yeah.  Why?  Don't like it?" I quirked.  "No.  I actually love it.  My little cousin calls me Mikey.  I'm pretty sure you and her are in a running match for being the cutest thing with blonde hair." he said with a smile.  I blushed and set my bag down on the circle red leather couch.  "I'll order pizza, you figure out the rest of that story." he said as he called in an order.  Just a regular cheese and pepperoni pizza.  "Alright.  Continue along Miss Castle." Mike said as we sat down next to each other on the couch.    

"Well, about six months after I turned fifteen I was still living in the halfway house.  And for about three days I kept running into this female cop.  Who ended up becoming my saving grace.  She figured me out and found me singing in a bar.  Bars were a big part of me.  Don't think less of me when I say this, but I was a fourteen year old pole dancer and sang in bars for a while.  I made money.  Don't judge or I'll hurt you." I said teasingly.  Mike smiled and held up his right hand as to say, 'I promise'.

"So she let me stay at her house for a few days and at first I hated her.  Wanted nothing to do with her.  I even ran away at one point.  But that made me realize how much I needed her.  I was catfished and kidnapped after a random flight I took to Chicago to become a back-up dancer.  She found me and pretty much put her life at risk to save mine.  She caught the guy who took me, but he had an accomplice we didn't know about.  More about him in a minute.  Anyways, that was when I realized how much I loved her.  Detective Kate Beckett became my second mother." I said as I wiped away a tear that started to fall.  "Liv you can stop if you want." Mike said.  "No, it's okay." I said.  I took a deep breath and continued.

"I lived with her and my adoptive dad Richard Castle, since the two of them got married.  I had a number of adventures after that.  They had told me I was going on The Voice.  They recorded me singing without me knowing and submitted it.  When I was in California for the Blinds was when it all came crashing down on me." I said.  I took a deep breath.  This was a big one.

"I was shot in the hotel by the guy who killed my mother and Haley.  I was shot in the lung and I nearly died.But as you can see, I am very much alive." I said, getting a chuckle from Mike.  "But we also figured something else out.  I have cancer in my brain.  A tumor.  We're working on getting it out, but anything can happen.  I have surgery in one week." I said.  I had to prevent myself from crying as my breathing shuddered.  "Liv, oh God.  I'm so sorry.  If you ever need anything...I'll be there for you." Mike said.

"It's okay.  I'll be okay.  I have been for this long.  Anyways.  Where was I?  Oh yeah.  I was coming home from California for the first time with Beckett and Castle, and went to go visit my mother's grave.  He was there.  The guy who killed my friend and mother and tried to kill me.  He said he was going to make sure I was dead this time.  I was able to call Castle without the guy knowing.  Castle heard the guy and he sent the whole team over and they rescued me.  Again.  I was so close to dying but no matter what shit I get myself into, they always are there to pull me out." I said with a smile.

"And that, Mike Taylor, is my story." I said with a sad smile.  Without any knowing, he hugged me.  "I'm so sorry all that happened to you." he said.  Before I knew it, I was crying.  I never realized how much that team did for me until I said it out loud.  They were always there for me in good and bad.  "Hey, it's okay.  We've all got battle scars." Mike said as he pulled back.  I wiped my few tears away and smiled with a nod.  He rolled up his sleeve and showed a tattoo on his wrist.  I looked at it and read it.

'Even the best will sometimes fall down.'

"True." I said with a weak smile.  A knock on the door was heard and Mike got up.  "Pizza." he said.  As he left I tried to shake off the emotions.  Liv, calm down.  You told him everything that he needed to hear.  Your not in love with this guy.  You don't really know him.  Your just friends.  I had to repeat that a few times.  "Alright, so you wanna lighten the mood a bit with a little 'BoJack Horseman'?" Mike asked as the image came up on his home screen.  I laughed and nodded.

"Pizza, donut, Pepsi." Mike said as he handed a plate with all to me.  "Thanks." I giggled.  We sat down on the couch next to each other and pulled a blanket up since it was cold.  I think we were five episodes and a box of donuts in before I noticed that Mike put his arm around my shoulder.  "Olivia Castle?" Mike said as an ad break in the episode came.  "Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Olivia Castle, I think I really like you."

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