After All This Time

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I kicked at him and made him fall to the ground, dropping the gun. I heard sets of feet rush over to the car. I guess I kicked him pretty hard because he wasn't moving.  Except for his hand, he was able to grab the gun.  He popped back up and had the gun in his hand.  I was still in a laying down position in the back of his car.  He pointed the gun at the team and yelled, "Drop your guns!  Now!"  He then rushed over and pulled me up by my shoulders.  I winced as it felt like he dislocated my shoulder.

He pushed the barrel of the gun into my temple.  I was, and this has been happening more often than normal, I was scared.  I was shaking as I tried to pry his arms off of my neck.  "Quit it!  I thought I told you to drop your guns!" Jerry yelled.  I saw the look of hesitation on everyone's faces as the carefully set their guns on the ground.  "Kick em' over." he growled.  I kept trying to figure out a plan to get him off of me.  Everyone kicked their guns about five feet away from them.  But I noticed something only a trained officer would.

They were in a triangle looking form.  So even after kicking the gun a few feet, it had landed close to the feet of someone else.  Beckett had taken notice too.  "Alright.  Now let her go." Espo demanded.  "No, no, no.  That wasn't part of the deal!" Tyson laughed maniacally.  "There was no deal!  Let her go." Castle said.  "No!  You have no idea how long I've waited to kill her!  The deal was between Hope and I!" he said.  Hold up!  What?

"What are you talking about?  Hope's dead and you know that.  She died a long long time ago."  Kate said, confused.  "No I killed Hope!  I killed Hope when this bitch was eleven!" he said pushing the gun farther into my skull.  "Hope was my mom's sister!" I yelled.  "No!  Your mother is Hope!  I met her a long time ago!" he kept insisting.  When he was turned to yell back at me I saw Kate grab her gun and get ready to take her shot.  

I keep wondering how smart this Tyson dude is.  He kept me to his side instead of in front of him.  So when he turned, Beckett had a clean shot to his chest.  The bang of the gun rang through the air as he dropped me out of his grasp.  I fell to the ground, not able to brace myself since my wrists were still bound behind my back.  "Oh fuck." I muttered  after being there a few seconds.  I heard feet rush over and I turned my head to see who was coming.  It was pretty clear that Jerry Tyson was, after all this time, really dead.

I felt the band be cut off my wrists and flipped over onto my back.  I saw Kate standing over me, pocket knife in hand.  "Hey, how's it going?" I asked.  "Same old, same old.  How bout you?" she asked.  "Eh, everyday's different." I smirked.  She pulled me up off the concrete and pulled me into a hug.  "I'm so glad your okay." she whispered.  "I'm okay.  I got a lot going on right now.  Dying didn't really fit into the schedule." I said, looking up at her.  She smiled and pulled me closer.

I was hugged by everyone, mostly sarcastic talk about how I really couldn't die with the whole 'The Voice' thing coming up.  "Come on, at least go through the battles kid." Espo had told me.  "I actually gotta go back next week." I told him.  "Well blow em' away.  We're all gonna be there to watch." he said.  I smiled and hugged him.  "Thanks." I said.  I had been talking back and forth with Adam before we left California and he said I was going to be singing with a guy named Blake Garrison.  I had see his audition, damn was it good!

We were going to be singing 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' and at the end of the call I may or may not have squealed.  That is like one of my favorite older songs.  I still had to pick out my outfit.  I should probably talk to Blake to see what he'll be doing.  Should probably also talk to Adam.  But none of that matters to me right now.  I'm safe with my family.  Biological or not we are a family.

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