She Ain't Going Out Like That

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I woke up in probably the most uncomfortable position I had been in, for a longgg while. And coming from a past stripper, that is saying something. I opened my eyes and finally took in the realization...I was not touching the ground. I tried to wiggle my body around and looked up to see something weird. I was chained to the ceiling. "What's with the 'Fifty Shades of Gray' shit going on here?" I asked my self, still struggling to move around.

I stopped soon after, since my wrists were becoming raw and bloody. The chains holding my wrists were clanging together. And being in a large and empty room, there was a really loud echo. I could feel tears brimming up at my eyes as I remembered everything that had happened the previous day. Or it might have been a few days, I wasn't sure how long I had been out.

I was trying to remember everything. I saw the paper with the initials on it. My mom's name and Haley's name were crossed off. Jennifer and Chloe! Oh, God. I hadn't seen them for close to five years, but...please God, let them be okay. I was turning as much as I could, despite the pain, to see if there were in the room as me. I didn't see or hear anything, but then again...this couldn't be the only room. And I couldn't turn all the way around.

I did an attempt to twist my back and loosen it up. I heard the 'crrrackkk' of my spine as each bone popped.I tried to use my upper body strength to try and pull myself up towards the ceiling and then maybe try to knock these chains out of place. It was pointless though. I was so freaking weak at this point. This comes from the girl that is like 90% muscle!

I had my attention snapped when I heard a door slam. I twisted and watched blood run from my wrists as I tried to see where it was coming from. I knew it came from behind me when I felt a yank on my legs. I yelped in pain and could see my skin flaking and turning pink. Like raw meat. I saw my captor come into view. 'Keith'. "Who are you, really? And what do you want?" I growled, still trying to be fierce. "Keith Taylor. You may remember me. Third grade. Do you remember me Olivia?" he said. Okay, so his name was Keith, as far as I knew.

"Let me go!" I screamed. I regretted it though. I was straining my voice unnecessarily. I'm gonna need it if someone comes to find me. Keith yanked on my legs again and my wrist's pain caused another cry from me. I was so afraid, what was going to happen? I felt like a baby thinking this, but right now...I really wanted Beckett. I wanted to be safe with her. I feel terrible, knowing the last thing I said to her face to face was me yelling about how she wasn't my mom. I was pretty much facing the fact now, that we would never be blood...but she was the closest thing to a new mom that I was getting.

"Listen here." Keith yelled to me. Before I even could look down, the chains dropped me to the ground. I landed with a thud and was pretty sure I just broke my arm, since I braced myself on it. I whined on the floor for a second before Keith yanked my face up, and was close to choking me. "Girl, you better tell me everything you know." he demanded. I was clueless. About what? I had no idea what he was talking about. "About what? I'll tell you anything!" I cried. I just wanted to get out of here. I wasn't even sure if I was still in Chicago. I had been out for who knows how long! I could be in Canada!

"Where Jennifer and Chloe are!" he screamed, as if I had asked a stupid question. "I-I don't know! I haven't seen them for almost six years!" I was crying. He said, well yelled, he was calling bullshit on that. Apparently, I HAD to know where they were. Even if I did, I wasn't going to put Jen and Chloe in danger. "I know how to get you to talk." he told me, grabbing my face again. He left me and went to behind me to the door he came from. I started looking around for a way to escape. I still had the chains on my wrists, that were still connected to the ceiling. Just a little looser.

He came back with a platform on a type of hauling cart. It looked like a huge box with a sheet over it. I could see from the way the light was bouncing, that something was inside it. Something big, and loud. "Olivia, say 'Hello' to my favorite entertainer...Raven." he said like a mad-man. He pulled the sheet away and revealed the most beautiful, but terrifying black wolf I had ever seen. This wolf was growling and lunging at the cage it was held in. And of course, it was lunging in my direction.

"That's illegal." Was the first thing I could think of to say. Unless this guy had a wildlife ownership release, keeping wild animals was totally illegal! I know, I know, not the thing I should be worried about right now, but still. "Shut it. Now, do what I want...Raven stays in the cage. Don't cooperate's very easy to let her go." he said as he put his hand near the lock to the cage. Raven started snapping at his hand by the lock.

"Okay! I'll tell you what I can!" I cried out. I was going to discreetly lie, of course. "Good. Was hoping so. That'd be a bloody mess to take care of. Wouldn't it Raven?" He said looking at the cage, where Raven was growling and turning circles. I started to scoot back as far as the chains could take me. I was about three feet from the nearest wall. "Olivia. Come. Here." Keith demanded slowly. I wasn't moving. He could find out everything he wanted to know...from over here. And I told him that.

"Fine...rat." He growled. "Where did you last see them?" he questioned, his voice booming across the empty room. "About six years ago, it was after I moved to New York. We had all met up when Jennifer had Chloe. We met for a little reunion in California. That was the last time I saw them." I told him. I had told him where we got together, I was NOT telling him where Jennifer and Chloe lived. That and I wasn't sure if they still were Minnesota girls.

I was questioned by him for another probably hour. Raven was still staring at me with burning eyes. The were a dark chocolate brown and looked beautiful...and deadly. He left with Raven on the cart and she was still staring at me. She actually shifted her position so she could watch me as she was taken back. I crawled back to right where the chains were hooked up and sat there for awhile. I laid myself down and thought about everything.

I eventually got to thinking about music. I then thought of Reba McEntire's song 'She Ain't Going Out Like That'. The song was a breakup song, but that one line applied right here. I was a fighter. I was freaking strong! I wasn't going to stop until I was saved, which could be a while. But until then, I'm not gonna go down that easy.

She Ain't Going Out Like That.

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