Beckett VS Raven

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Ten days.  

Ten days I've been here, trying to keep on going.  Ten days that my wrists have been raw and bloody from the chains.  Everyday Keith comes in with Raven and just stares me down for hours.  I have actually come to figure out, that having Raven stare me down is the best part of my day.  Because as soon as she's gone, he beats the hell out of me.  Being shackled to chains doesn't give you a whole lot of movement, and those chains are heavy.  So it isn't like I can really fight back.

Keith had just left with Raven.  He hadn't really left with her though.  He had just pushed the cart over to the other side of the room.  As always Raven was staring me down.  I don't know if it was something he taught her to do, but it always made me nervous.  I had a feeling she could easily break that cage and kill me.

"You lied to me!" Keith yelled as he slammed me against the wall.  I hit the wall, but the chains yanked me back and it hurt so bad.  I couldn't move.  I covered my face and just laid down to cry.  I don't like crying, but it hurt so bad!  "You must want everyone you love to die with you!" he screamed at me.  I looked up and said something I regret, "Like who?".  He chuckled and took something out of his jacket pocket.  "I don't know...Jennifer, Chloe...Castle and Beckett?" he said as he showed a picture of each person.  

I was at a point of fear, shock, and awe.  The picture of Jennifer, she was at work.  The picture of Chloe, she looked so grown up and pretty.  Castle and that was the night they got me from when I was with Chris.  He had taken that picture.  He was close enough to see me.  He always had been watching me.  "Don't hurt them!" I cried out.  I didn't want him to hurt any of them.  They could live without me.  I couldn't live with myself knowing that he killed my friends and family.

"He isn't going to hurt anyone." I heard from one side of the room.  I looked up and tried to brace myself on my arm to get a better look.  I gasped with relief and happiness when I saw Beckett standing in the doorway, Raven barking-snapping-and lunging from the cage at her.  "Keith move away from her." I heard another voice say.  I looked behind Beckett and saw Espo, Castle and Ryan behind her, baring their guns.  

Keith whipped a gun out of his hold and pointed it at me.  "Get out.  Or she gets killed." he stated.  "Or...I could always let her out." he said walking over to Raven, gun still pointed at me.  He was five feet away from Beckett and everyone else.  "Leave them alone!" I screamed, straining my voice.  He kept his eyes on the team as he pointed the gun at me and slowly made his way over.  "Get.  Out." he demanded.  

"Guys, leave.  This is for me." I heard Beckett tell them.  I gave her a pleading look to leave too.  The guys looked not so easy at leaving her.  "Keith, you don't want to do this.  Leave her alone.  You're already in deep for murdering two people.  Adding another one wouldn't be helping you." she told me straightly.  "Leave Kate." he told her.  I could see him reach for something in his pocket  whatever it was it had a red light.  Hold up, there was a red light on the lock to Raven's cage.  No! 

"Kate he's gonna open the cage!" I screamed as he hit the button.  The next thing happened so fast.  After I screamed, he shot me.  Dead on.  Right in my stomach.  I was already immobile and in pain, with blood spilling out, it wasn't helping.  Castle, Ryan, and Espo charged in.  Ryan shot at Keith and he went down.  Raven was out though.  Raven was coming at me.  Espo tackled the wolf and started beating the wolf.  Kate and Castle ran over to me.  That was the few things I remembered, before what happened next.

Kate was coming to help me, and Espo lost his grip on Raven.  Raven lunged at Kate and stared attacking her.  "Kate!" I was screaming.  Kate was trying to push the wolf off her and Ryan was trying to help her.  Raven kept lunging at her neck.  I could see blood running down Kate's arm.  It was painful to watch.  I tried to come and help her, but Castle was next to me, keeping me safe and away from what was going on.  Espo was trying desperately to get the chains off my wrists, which was turning out painful and pretty hopeless.

Ryan could get ahold on his gun long enough to get a decent shot.  He yelled, "Beckett!  Cover!" and then took the shot.  Raven was pushed off Beckett from the impact and collapsed and had a pool of blood surrounding her.  Raven wasn't dead, but very close to it.  Her eyes were staring into mine.  Kate quickly got up, clearly missing the fact that she was just ATTACKED BY A WOLF, and came running to me.  "Javi, call an ambulance!  Some help me figure this out.  Liv, sweetheart, baby's gonna be okay." Kate said as she carefully held my head, since my hands were raw and in pain.

"Kate...I'm sorry for leaving...I love you." I whispered in choked pain.  "I love you too sweetie.  It's not your fault.  You're gonna be okay." she told me, on the verge of crying.  I could see through my own, that Kate was letting a few tears fall down her face.  "You love me.  Real or not real?" I asked her, making a Hunger Games reference for those of you who didn't get that.  Kate noticed it.  She smiled at me and carefully held my hand.  "Real.  Forever and always." she told me.  "I love you too...Momma Kate." I whispered to her.  With that, the tears fell down her face in a river.

She held me close as the blood started to sort of clot from my bullet would.  I could hear the ambulance approaching and footsteps pounding.  I wanted to stay here and be with Beckett.  Everything just felt like I should just let go right now.  I heard voices as my head started to feel heavy and my eyes wanted to find darkness.  Beckett was pleading me to stay with her.  I was trying as hard as I could, but all I heard were voices

"Alright someone get those off her!" 

"Do something with the wolf, she's still breathing!"

"Get the gurney ready."

"Kate you have to go with us.  They have to take care of that bite."

The last one was from Castle.  Kate was bit?  I knew, but didn't want to accept it.  I could see blurred faces, one of them Lanie's as the medics were working at getting the chains off my wrists.  I wanted to sleep, and never wake up.  But I couldn't, for Beckett.  "Stay strong, Liv!" I heard Ryan plead as I fell back into a sleep I wasn't sure I would awake from.


Dun!  Dun!  Dun!

Epic-ness at my writing's finest!  I hope you all enjoy it so far.  I'm on like the 23rd chapter and I think this book will go all the way to 100 and then I might start a second book, dependent on how much I have in mind.  Leave a comment on what should happen next.  While you're at it, why not leave a vote?  It doesn't hurt ya!

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