second concert

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After the plane landed, we went to our hotel. We had four rooms reserved. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi were in one room, Taehyung and Jungkook were together, and Hoseok and Jimin are jn one room and I was the only girl so I had my own room.
Apparently manager hyung also got one of the huge catering rooms cleared for the boys to practice for the concert in 2 days.

I sat at the edge of the room, watching the boys dance to I Need U. Jungkook came over and held my hand and pulled me over.
"Come on, we know that you know the choreography and can dance it." He said as the others nodded.
"But-" I got interrupted.
"This is the second part of your number one fan initiation. If you do it well enough, it proves even more that you actually are a good fan. " Jimin butted in.
"Fine, you idiots. But whose spot should I take?" I asked.
"Whose part do you know the best?" Yoongi asked.
"Jungkook's." I said.
"Ooooh, I could use a break." Jungkook said as he went to the side and eyed me to see if I made any mistakes.

Tae changed the song to War of Hormone and I danced along pretty well to it. I kinda did watch their dance practice and music videos more than five times each song each day.. I sang and rapped his part too.

They all clapped and nodded.

"Impressive." Jungkook said.
"I memorized all the choreographies from No More Dream to Run.." I said, taking a breath.
"Pfffft, try Dope.. The choreography is so fast." Jin said.

"I'll take on that challenge then. I'll take your spot." I said.
I danced to the song without any huge mistakes but only once wear I messed up the chorus and thought it was another part but Jin let it go since it wasn't that noticeable and I corrected it really quick.
"Woah, I struggled with that so hard before." He said with his mouth open.
"Yeah, you said it on YamanTV and also acted like that too." I said.
"Oh, right. I feel like you know us better than we do."
"Damn right I do." I said, smiling.
"You probably won't even need that much training.. You can dance, sing, and rap perfectly. You're good at songwriting too." Jungkook said.
"Thanks." I said while smiling and blushing.
"Tell me, how are you so good at dancing?" Jin asked.
"I used to do stuff when I was younger to relieve stress and one of them happened to be dancing." I said.
"Ohhh. What groups or artists dances are you good at?"
"You guys, obviously, Monsta X, Orange Caramel, and EXO."
"Oooh, EXO! Who's your bias in EXO?" Hoseok asked.
At the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook opening his mouth to probably stop Hoseok but I interrupted.
"Well, my brother is Xiumin, but my bias is Luhan." I said.
"Your brother is Xiumin? Lucky!" Yoongi said.
"Yeah, and I'm pretty good friends with the rest of EXO too."

We were getting ready for our second concert and the stylist was just checking my outfit one last time before I go on stage.

When I stepped onto the stage when it was my part, someone yelled Red Velvet and on the inside, I froze but I still sang.

How did someone find out already? Was it leaked or something? Aish, fangirls can do anything... I can confirm that since I'm one of them. I'll check later I guess..

The boys did all of their songs and they have a fan meet and greet next with a Q&A.

I looked on my phone while they met and gave autographs to fans. Someone somehow found out about Red Velvet before the Big Hit even publicly announced it. I called my manager to ask.
"Hey, have you seen that it was leaked?" I asked.
"What was?"
"The news about Red Velvet. No one even publicly announced it yet, right?"
"It's been leaked? I didn't tell anyone besides the people in the company and stuff."
"What do we do?"
"Well, since some people know about it, it's not that huge of a deal. You're on tour right now with BTS right? That'll earn huge publicity. You can announce it right now. I'll run a poll asking if fans would even like to meet you. You might be able to have meets like the boys are. If the results run to above 85 percent, you're going to have to sign and meet fans. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, of course!" I said.
"Alright, I think they're having the meet right now? Later in the Q&A, I'm sure someone would ask and you could just admit to it then."
"Okay, bye!" I said and hung up.

I was mentioned on Twitter very quickly.
@ bighitent : Would you meet Pepper on tour with BTS?
Yes was at 15% right now. People are probably wondering why they would. I probably should tell them tonight.

"Come on, it's time for the Q&A." Jungkook nudged and snapped me out of thinking.
We were at a smaller concert area indoors now and the boys and I sat on the floor of the stage. Most of the questions were about them preparing for the tour or something about their daily routine or something. Finally, the girl who yelled Red Velvet before raised their hand and Jungkook was picking next. I whispered in Jungkook's ear to pick on her and he nodded. He pointed to her and everyone's eyes were directed to her.

"Is it true that Pepper is going to debut in a group named Red Velvet soon?" She asked.

Everyone looked at me and the boys' expressions were pretty shocked and confused. I made an expression assuring that it was fine and they looked a bit better.

"Yeah, the boys' manager got me an audition and I got in. We are not debuting that soon but expect us in a couple of years. Also, I just got news from my manager that if I get over an 85 percent on a poll that Big Hit just uploaded on Twitter , I would be able to have my own meets and greets. From the following concert tour dates." I said and smiled.

After the Q&A we went to our hotel. It wasn't that late so I went to the hotel area outside where there was no one. I sat on the grass and checked the poll again. It rose to 65 percent. I felt someone behind me but I didn't bother to check who it was. I honestly think that I'm just tired and I'm thinking someone's behind me. Nope, I was wrong.

It was a group of 7 stupid boys. Dumping water on me. Yeah.

I looked back to find 7 boys finding this very funny. Jungkook and Jimin tried to run away but them laughing slowed them down a bit. I chased Jimin and got him right away but Jungkook's faster that Jimin but I was able to get him after 7 seconds.

"Whyyyyyy?" I whined.
"Are you mad?" Taehyung asked.
"Nope." I said, surprising them,"I have the rest of the tour to get revenge on each one of you, so.."

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