hide-n-seek pt 2

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lmao im like promoting their vids now
"Jimin, you're up." Tae said.
They covered up his eyes and I hid at the inner corner of the bed with the corner near the wall. I hugged my legs together, waiting for them to begin.

"Aye no cheating, or it would be a maemae** party." Taehyung said.

**In case you haven't seen the video, maemae is a word use for when kids get hit/spanked as a punishment

Jungkook stood on the couch arm and Taehyung is just ignoring the rules he made himself and moving around. Tae took a slipper and went over to Jimin and hit him. He froze as Tae went back.
"Hey, someone's moving around." He said.
"No." Tae accidentally said.
"No? No-" He tried to walk over but hit his leg on the corner of the desk.
He rolled over the bed trying to find Tae. Tae moved to the other side of the room.
"Someone's walking around." Jimin said again.
Jungkook threw the water bottle near me but didn't hit me yet.

"Oh-" Jimin said as he heard it landing over here.
I shot a glare at Jungkook as he smiled widely.

I mouthed to him, "I'm going to kill you."

Jimin was almost touching me as Taehyung rescued me and came to the end of the bed and said "Why'd you do that?"

Jimin walked over.
"There has to be someone here. I heard talking over here. I'm going to undo this."

Jimin gave up and took off the blindfold.
He saw us and pointed to us but mostly Taehyung.

"You moved. He moved didn't he?" He yelled.
I nodded my head to rat him out. He shot a glare at me.

Jungkook came down and flipped his sweatshirt around and pulled the hood of it up, covering Tae's face.
"What are you doing?" He said as he laughed.
Jungkook and Jimin tied the blindfold on very tight.

"There, done. Now we'll start round 3." Jimin said.
Hey, I can't see anything. This is cra- I can't even breath! If you guys cheat, it would be a maemae party!" He said.
"Ne." We all replied.

Jimin and Jungkook whispered something. They were planning on cheating and moving around. Jimin hit the pillow at Tae and I stood at the corner space between the drawers that has the TV on and the entrance area of the room. Jimin moved to the entrance area along with Jungkook. Jungkook came over to me and smiled widely.

"I'll get you out." I mouthed.
I picked up a slipper and hit Jungkook. Not too hard but not too light either.
"Ow." He squeaked on accident.
I smiled evilly.
"You-" He said as he moved to the bed.
As Tae came over, Jungkook was already on the bed. I threw the slipper at the wall next to Jungkook and Tae turned to him. He felt Jungkook's presence and put out his arm. He touched his arm and Jungkook was out.
"I'll block you on Skype!" He said.
"Ani!" I said out loud on accident."Ah shi- I mean.. Jimin's right there!"
Jimin moved from the entrance to the space between the beds. Taehyung heard him moving and as he was trying to find Jimin, I moved to under the desk.
"Everyone is moving! Maemae party!" Tae said as he took off the blindfold. I tried to get out but forgot that I was under the desk and banged my head, trying to just stand up.

"Ow.." I said, while falling back down and rubbing my head.
Jungkook helped me out and rubbed my head.
"Jeez, how did you bang your head? Be careful!" He said.
"I forgot I was under it!" I whined.

"Well, Pepper already got her punishment then.. " Tae said.
He jumped onto Jimin and used a slipper to slap his foot. Then he moved onto Jungkook.
I sat on the bed, laughing but still having my head hurting.

The three ran out of energy and fell asleep immediately. They were hugging one another on the other bed. Taehyung behind Jimin having his arms over Jimin's neck, and Jungkook behind Taehyung with his leg over the others' waists and between the comforter. They looked so peaceful and cute at the same time. I took a picture and used it as my home screen. I am still a fan of them, aren't I? Don't judge..

I changed in the bathroom and turned off the bed and went to sleep.

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