next stop, philippines

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"Wake up, Pepper." A voice said.
"Ten more minutes..."
"Pepper! You said that the last three times!"
"What? I'm trying to sleep.. Can't you leave me be?" I said.
"Not unless you don't want to be at the next concert and left behind in Seoul!"
"What?" I suddenly realized and sat up. "Shoot, what time is it?"
"An hour and a half the plane leaves, hurry up! We have to meet with the hyungs too! Taehyung and Jimin already left." Jungkook said.
I quickly went to the bathroom to get dressed and ready. I just messily brushed my hair. Good thing I didn't have anything to pack.

"Ready?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah." I said, checking one last time that I have everything.
"Let's go." He said.
We took the train to the airport and checked in. We met with the others.

"Where is our next stop anyways?" I asked.
"Did you not look on your plane ticket, you idiot? Hoseok asked."
"Oh, I forgot y- okay, I feel stupid now." I said while laughing.
The ticket read Manila, Philippines.
"Ooh, cool! I suddenly want to eat Lechon.." I said in excitement.
They all laughed at me while I smiled.

On the plane ride, Jungkook sat next to me. I messaged him on Skype. I changed my name again to Kookie. I had my seat reclined into like a bed mode because of how tired I was.

Kookie: hey jungkook
Kookie: omg you imposter.. how dare you
Kookie: i love g-dragon
Kookie: that is true
Kookie: i love iu
Kookie: also true and why are we not talking like normal people?
Kookie: bc we aren't normal people
Kookie: o yeah right
Kookie: we're wierd

As I sent my last message, my phone fell on my face and the side hit my nose as the corner hit my eye.

"You okay?" Jungkook said.
"Yeah." I said.
My eyes are tearing up because of how hard it hit. The worse thing was that my eyes were open when it hit my eye. It stings so much.

"You sure?" He asked.
"I'm fine, why? Do you want to kiss it to make it feel better or something?" I said laughing.
He leaned in and kissed my eyes and nose.
"You're so weird." I said, smiling.
"You too."
"Hey, have you ever been horse riding?" I asked him.
"Once or twice when I was very young, why?"
"I'll take you horse riding, then." I said.
"Do you own a horse barn or something?" He asked.
"Yeah, remember that the phone you're using is technically from the company he owns. Technically that means I own it." I said.
"Oh right, you owns like a quarter of stuff in South Korea." He said.
"Yeah, and I want to show you horse riding." I said.
"I'll look forward to it then."
"By the way, at the concert before I actually met you guys, you muttered something beginning with a "p", what was it?" I asked.
"I accidentally had my phone on me when we performed and you messaged me so my phone vibrated and I muttered your name on accident but realized and kept the last part silent."

"Lovers, huh?" Namjoon said.
"I don't give a fuck what you say, I have something I can use against you." I said with sass just to have fun.
"I have the cover you did of Take It Off right here on my phone and I can play it as loud as I want on this plane." I said, smiling.
"Fine, you win, don't ever play that song." He said.
"Uh, what's a fuck?" Jungkook asked behind me.
"I-uh.. Namjoon, have fun explaining. I'm going to sleep, I'm tired." I said
"You--aish.." Namjoon said before I fell asleep.

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