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beep beep beep beep beep
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The mysterious beeping seems to be in sync with something. My heartbeat. It felt like I was in a dark room. The dark room. The dark room my father used to lock me in for 3 hours when I did something bad.

I can hear someone talking. I know that voice anywhere. Jungkook. I'm trying to open my eyes to see where I am and what's happening. I tried. I can't. What about try to speak? Nope. Nada. Non.

"Pepper, I know you can hear me."
Yeah, Jungkook, I can. I wish I could speak.
"I see your eyelids moving a little bit so I know you're awake."
"So let me fill you in on what happened in case you were wondering or forgot. We were heading back from lotte world and you kind of got stressed and snapped at Jaelyn. Then you took a phone call and a car hit you when you didn't pay attention. You're in a coma now. Everyone else is outside but they said I could go first. Stay strong, Pepper. We believe in you."
Oh my gosh, I can't believe that all happened. Am I dreaming? Oh wait I can't pinch myself to wake up. Nope. I'm in a coma? Sheeba. That bastard. My own father called me and got me in a coma now. I wonder what he was talking about when he mentioned Xiumin. Is he alright now?

I heard the door close and Jungkook's faint voice saying, "Anyone next?" I find that even though you can't see, I felt emotions. I could picture what was happening right now.

I heard the door open and close again.
"Hey Pepper, I hope you get better and wake up soon. Jungkook really cares about you. I feel it. As the oldest of the group, I experienced more and I can tell people's emotions. He normally does not talk as much. On camera or off camera. Ever since you guys met, he has been talking way more. And The rest of us want you to wake up too. Also, I know you're listening but don't tell anyone. I kind of like how Jaelyn is clingy. Shhh. Our secret." Jin said all in one breath.
Thank you Seokjin. I will try my best to wake up. For Jungkook. For everyone.

The door opened and closed.
"Hey Pep, I miss you. I got kind of mad after you said all the things but I just want to tell you that I'm fine now. I'll always be by your side. I get how you were a little stressed. I'm sorry. This was my fault too. I made you even more stressed out and mad then you walked in the parking lot and now you're here. I want to apologize. Jungkook cares about you. Try to wake up for him." Jaelyn said, her voice being shaky.
This was not your fault and It definitely did not involve with you.

Everyone else came in and said something apologizing, talking about me and Jungkook or both.

After what felt like 3 hours, I got tired and fell asleep. The last thing I heard was Jungkook saying he will have the first night shift staying at the hospital.

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