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The potato on top is a symbol for my potato friend LionTae1 <3 lmao we're so awkward..

"Aigoo! I never thought songwriting could be so hard!" I yelled, being frustrated after trying to write the song for me and Jungkook's duet.
Anna put her hand on my shoulder.
"Stop stressing yourself out, you only have to write half of the song! Plus, you have 2 weeks to write this."
"Ugh, but I want to get this quickly over with then spend the rest of the time, while I have, not on tour, having fun."
"Ask someone for inspirations or something. Oooh, ask Yoongi, Namjoon, or Hoseok! They write a lot of lyrics for their songs."
"Good idea, Anna. When were you smart?" I asked.
"Shut up."
I took out my phone and called Namjoon.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hey, I'm still trying to write the songs. Do you ever have any inspirations or anything to help you write lyrics when you have like writer's block or something?" I asked.
"Of course. You live in New York, right?"
"Go up to the Empire State Building. Take a breath of fresh air and look at some sights that makes you happy or relieved.  Br relaxed. Don't pressure yourself too hard. The more you make yourself want to write, the more you worry about getting it done and not about the details, meanings, or the quality."
"Woah. I never thought there was so much to songwriting." I said.
"Trust me, you'll get used to it."
"Thank you! I can't wait to see you guys again in 2 weeks!"
"Me neither. Oh, Yoongi is calling me. We're working on new songs right now too, good luck!"
"You too!" I said and hung up.

"So, what did he say?" Anna asked.
"I have an idea of what to do. I'll be back in probably about two hours." I said.

I changed into a black sweater and a pair of black leggings, and a pair of boots. I gathered my pen, notebook, phone, wallet and keys.

"Bye!" I yelled as I left the apartment. I quickly drove to the stables that my father owned and parked my car outside.

"Miss, I'm sorry but this stable is off limits to others that are not authorized by Master." A guard said, not raising his head whole speaking. It is pretty chilly and he just has to stand here so I don't blame him.

"Take a good look and think again." I said.
He raised his head and stared at me for about 5 seconds and gasped.
"A-are you-"He said while stuttering.
"His daughter? Yes." I said.
"Please do come in." He said.
I walked in and picked the horse that has been with me since I was five years old. My father bought be a pony to shut me up so I wouldn't interrupt him from his business and I have been learning horse riding on my very own horse, Jupiter. My father is a very powerful man and owns many things. He is pretty much like someone part of the Shin Hwa group in the kdrama Boys Over Flowers. I just don't like how he would do anything for money but never spends more than 2 minutes with me. Ever since I left him, which is probably about four years now, I haven't came to this stable. I always liked this stable the most because it has Jupiter. I always rode him when I was feeling sad or mad. I owe him for not taking care of him for four years. I walked into Jupiter's pen and pet it.
"Jupiter, I'm sorry I haven't been here for you." I said while stroking him. I fed him and he licked my hand.

He was already well groomed so I didn't have to take care of that.

"Can you prepare the horse?" I said to  someone that was across from the pen.

He came and put the saddle and bridle on. I walked him outside the stables and onto the track. He galloped slowly then increased his speed. Namjoon told me to the Empire state building but I'm deathly scared of heights. I don't have guts to be up there. And you would ask how I'm able to be in an airplane, right? Well, somehow I feel like I know that the area around me on an airplane is safe and it feels like I'm on land but in motion. This was the relaxing place that I went to before. It relieves the stress from when I was younger even to now.

After a while, Jupiter got tired so I put him back in his pen. I sat on the floor of the stables, writing lyrics. Finally this was turning out better. Namjoon was right. This did help. I went home and opened the door.
"Hey, I'm back." I said to Anna, who's eyes are glued onto the TV screen.
"Why do you smell like a barn?"
"I was at the stables."
"The stables your dad owns?" She said turning her head back.
"Yeah, writing Jupiter brings me back memories and relieves some stress. Plus, I got my half of the song done."
"Oooh, good job. Now go take a shower, you smell." She said, turning her head back to the TV screen.
What a nice friend I have.

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