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We're in the hotel lobby getting squished by fans and even some asked for me to take a picture with them surprisingly. I would've but my leg was really bothering me and it started hurting after someone accidentally stepped on my foot which the bone was bruised and I had a full leg to foot cast. The boys took a couple of pictures and gave some autographs out then we went upstairs.
As I opened the door to my room, I saw a room full of flowers. As I turned my head to look at Jungkook, someone else spoke up.

"Pepper, welcome back! We missed you." Another familiar voice said. It didn't belong to Jungkook though. Taehyung.

"Y-you did this?" I asked.
"Thanks?" I tried to say but it came out more like a question."
"Not quite the reaction I was expecting for," he mumbled under his breath but spoke up,"no problem."
"Sorry, I'm still kind of tired and I have some things on my mind still."
"Ah, okay. You should get some sleep."
"I will, thanks guys!"
Everyone said goodnight to be except one. Jungkook. I honestly still can't get over what father said. What happened to Xiumin? I miss him. Besides that, Jungkook and Tae are kind of fighting but with their eyes and to win over me. I still don't get how they could like me though.

I got ready for bed and took my phone which somehow was not damaged, and played some EXO-M songs. MAMA got me thinking about a lot. It's my favorite song by them. It relates to me in a lot of ways. I kind of like EXO-M a bit more because I studied Chinese for a while and speak, understand and write fluently. As for Korean, I'm still learning. Plus, I'm friends with the members but know the Chinese members a lot more because I can communicate with them a lot easier. Anyways, the lyrics to MAMA really stand put to me.

MAMA please answer me, why do people change?
Did those beautiful days I heard of really exist?

I just feel like through the things I've been through, this kind of suits what I think of sometimes.

I still couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning for hours. I decided to go on Skype. As soon as I got on for about 20 seconds, I got a message.

Kookie: jeez why are you still awake? it's 3 in the morning..
TaeHvung: i could ask you the same question
Kookie: cliche
TaeHvung: plus i just can't fall asleep. i have too much on my mind.
Kookie: ima come over
TaeHvung: sure?

I went over to the door in the living room that leads to the halls and opened the door when there was a quiet knock. He stepped in with pajama pants and a white tee shirt.

"Shh, Anna and Jaelyn are asleep."

We went to my room and he lied me on the bed and put the covers over me. He sat on the chair next to the bed and I turned my head towards him.
"What's wrong?" He asked with a soft voice.
"I just have a weird feeling."
"What was the call about? You know, before you got hit." He asked carefully, "If you wanted to say, I mean."
"So remember my brother I told you about? Xiumin, Kim Min Seok?"
"Of course, I love EXO and their music."
"Well, my father was calling me the whole day when we were at Lotte World but I got a little annoyed and got a headache. I picked up the call and he mentioned something about Xiumin."
"What was it?"
"He said that people found him. He wants me to go back."
"Oh my gosh, they found him? What happened?"
"I don't know if he's lying or not though. Sometimes I can't trust him anymore. Also, I don't know anything else because right after he said that, I got hit."
"Oh, well don't worry. Xiumin is popular and I'm sure that he would be on magazine's headlines. If it was true, we would find news on him on the web too." He said.
"Now go to sleep."
"C-can you sleep with me? I still can't fall asleep."

He crawled onto the bed and I moved a little to give him room. His fresh scent filled my nose and he sniffed my neck like a bunny sniffing its food which made me giggle a bit.
"There's the laugh I was looking for."
I turned my face to him and my head touched his chest. I heard his heartbeat. I like this. I wish things could forever be like this.

skype? - a jungkook fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora