Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Point of View

" Jenna, wake up. " I heard someone say softly, shaking me a little too much for my disliking.

" Uh. " I grunted, slapping them across what felt like the face.

" Damn, Jen. " The familiar voice said.

I opened up my eyes to see the Jack Gilinsky rubbing his what I imagine to be firing pain cheek that was red, like his shirt.

" Ah schnitzer doodle, I'm sorry. " I said, feeling guilty.

He started to laugh, making me raise my eyebrows.

" What's so funny? " I asked, starting to feel insecure.

" You said schnitzer doodle. " He said, chuckling still.

" Well I tried to stop cussing since we broke up. " I said.

" Oh, breaking a bad habit I see. " He said.

" Yeah, and that's why I broke up with you. " I said.

His eyes opened wide, his mouth opened even more wide. I start laughing so hard that I start to cry and fall of the couch and into the floor.

" I was just kidding with you. " I said in between deep breathes.

" Well that wasn't funny. " He said, getting up and leaving the room.

" Jack! Wait up! " I yelled, finally gaining control of myself.

I got off the floor and swept away the invisible dust and dirt that was on me. I then made my way around my mansion of a house, trying to find Jack.

" Jack, " I yelled out. " Where are you? "

I made my way to Jack's favorite room, the second garage which we turned into a basketball court. It wasn't being used and Jack was my boyfriend at the time so my parents decided to make it a basketball court for him. As I got closer I didn't hear anything. I still opened the door and saw that he wasn't in there. I went back to looking for him.

I went looking around the first and second floor. He wasn't around so I made my way to the third floor. I walked around until I heard something from my room. I entered my room, looking around, not seeing anyone or anything. But then I noticed that my bathroom light was on. I smiled mischievously and tip toed on over to the door. I then opened it quickly and yelled 'BOO'.

" Jack, what the hell are you doing? " I asked him as I say that he had my razor in his hand.

" I think that I should be asking you what the hell are you doing, Jenna. " He fought back.

I inhaled a deep breathe of air.

" Fine, you caught me. I've been craving things. " I lied.

He raised his eyebrows with confusion.

" Carving things? " He asked.

Luckily for me, I have craved things before in my backyard. We have huge trees and stuff so when I get bored that's one of the things that I do, I carve things.

" Yeah. I carve stud into the trees in my backyard. " I spoke calmly.

" Then how you do explain the blood on the razor, huh? " He questioned me.

" That's old and absolutely disgusting. I forgot to wash that off, ew. Anyways, there is blood on it, because when I was craving I accidentally swiped it across my finger. " I lied more and more.

" Where's the cut then? " He asked.

" Like I told you, it's old. " I said.

He nodded his head, finally convinced.

" Ok then. I have basketball practice in about an hour so I'm going to have to go. Bye, Jenna. " He said and left me alone in my restroom.

Once I heard the front door slam shut I exhaled a breathe that I didn't even realize I was holding in.

I shook my head and walked out of my bathroom and to my bed where I decided to just stay for the rest of the day. I was too tired and too lazy to do anything else besides eat ice cream and watch 'Gossip Girl' on Netflix. I also spent some time on Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube. At 5:00 I got a phone call, thinking that it was from no one important or worthy of my time until I saw the caller ID. It was Madison, the girl that I had met. I answered the call with a small smile.

" Hey, Madi! Call I call you that? " I spoke into the phone.

" Hey, Jenna. And sure you can, a lot of people do. " She said.

" Ok cool then. Soooo, what are you up to? " I asked, praying for her to have a better life then mine, because it was crap.

" Watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. " She said.

" No freaking way! I am too! What season are you on? " I excitedly spoke.

" Season 5, episode 8. " She said.

" Haha, I'm on Season 5, episode 9. " I said, childishly.

She laughed into the phone.

" Dude, we should watch it together! Come on over to my house and spend the night. We can watch Gossip Girl all night and eat ice cream. " I said.

" That sounds fun. I'll be over in like 30 minutes, ok? " She said.

" Yeah, sounds good. See you soon, bye! " I said and then hung up, springing out of my bed to clean up the house a little.

After I finished cleaning up, I had 15 minutes left before she came over. I hopped into my car and left to go and get some ice cream. I got 5 tubes of ice cream, some toppings for it, some chips, drinks, and pizza. I then made it back to my house, seconds later Madison pulled up too.

" Get ready for the best night you've ever had! " I yelled as she got out of her car.

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