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"Kate!" I hurriedly went on her unconscious body.

"Leo, oh-Kate! What happened?" Kelly asked.

"Kelly are you stupid? Of course she fainted." That made her pissed.

"I'm going to take her to the hospital."

"What about me? You took me to this damn place and now you're leaving me here?"

"Kelly, could you stop being such a bitch right now? You see Kate unconscious and you don't even care." I yelled, which made people gathered around us.

"But I thought you hate her?"

"Jesus Christ, Kelly! Could you just call someone who can take you home?! I'm going!" I said, rushing out in the store.

I quickly rushed her on to the hospital and the doctor made me stay outside. I pace around the hospital for 3 goddamn hours, still waiting for what happened to Kate.

After a minute, the doctor went out, and my hopes went high up.

"Are you Mr. DiCaprio?" He asked

"Yes, that's me."

"Well, I'm Dr. Rafael Simpkins, nice to meet you. And Kate is your?" He asked.

"Uhm, she's m-my..."

"She's my wife." He looks at me confusedly for a bit, then spoke up.

"Hmm, well, congratulations, Mr. DiCaprio. Your wife is pregnant and the babies are completely healthy." Pregnant? Babies?

"Babies? So you mean, we're having a twins?"

"You're right on that, Mr.-"

"Leo's perfectly fine."

"Okay, Leo. You can see your wife now." I thanked him and rushed in to Kate's room.

I saw her laying and peacefully asleep. I touched her belly, and kissed it. She moved a bit, opened her eyes and looked at me, seems shocked.

"Leo? What are you doing here? I thought you-" I put my finger on her lips, to make her stop.

"No, I don't. I could never hate you. And this two cuties inside you." Then a tear slide down on her eyes.

"I-I'm p-pregnant? And with a twins?" I nodded, and saw the happiness on her eyes.

Then, the doctor came in.

"Hi, Leo. Kate. How does your wife feeling?" Dr. Rafael asked.

"Wife?" Kate asked, shocked.

"Yes, Mrs. DiCaprio." She looked at me with a what-have-you-done look.

"Oh, okay. Uhm, I'm feeling great." She just replied.

"That's good to hear. Well, I just went in here to give you this medicines you will be needing for your pregnancy, to keep the baby completely safe. And also, for you to have a strong stamina. That's it." He said, handing us the paper.

"Well, thank you, Dr.-"

"Just call me Rafael."

"Thank you, Rafael." Then, he went our of the rom.

Sorry guys. I know nothing about pregnancy. So, forgive me for this crappy one. 😂😂

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