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I opened my eyes and notice myself naked. I removed the blanket that covers my butt and hurrieldly picked up my undergarment. I went down, seeing Kate watching television.

"Have you seen Kelly?" I asked.

"She left, a few hours ago." I nodded. As I turned around, I heard her call me. I turned to her.

"And she said 'thank you for good sex.'" She said. I blushed, and she chuckled. I think she saw it.

"Did you cook something?" I yell to her.

"Yeah! There's hotdogs over there." She yelled back.

"Hey, Leo. If you don't mind, Ned's coming over." My eyes widen as she said.

"No, no of course I don't. Just be careful." I replied.

"He's my boyfriend." she chuckled.

"Yeah, I mean when you have, you know. The thing Kelly and I did a while ago. Just use protection, so you won't get pregnant." She chuckled again.

"Of course. And I'm not going to give him yet." She replied.

Wait, what? She's still a virgin? I'm glad that lad didn't took advantage of her. And I'm lucky if I am her first.

Shit, Leo! What are thinking? Why do you think of Kate that way!? I hate when my conscience talks to me. But I want her so bad. But I guess she doesn't like me.

"Oh, wait? You are- well, good." I smiled then went back to my room.

God, I don't know how bad I want Kate to be mine. I want her in my bed. I want to cuddle with her forever and feel her body beside me, making me safe. I wanted to do things and show her things she hasn't seen. But somehow there's the one will give it to her, Ned.

I don't hate Ned. He's a good guy. But I just don't like him as my sister's boyfriend. Or maybe I am just jealous.

Update finally!!!

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