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Leo's POV

I was awaken by a sudden movement beside me. It is Kate, laying beside me. I smiled at satisfaction, but confused at the same time. I thought she's mad at me becaus of the kiss. But why is she laying beside me? In my bed?

I heard a yawn from my side. Kate glanced at me and jumped a little as she saw me. She stood up immediately and shocked that a chuckle slip out of me.

"Uhmm," she stutters, pointing at the bed.

"What?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh, oh I remembered. Are you okay now?"

"I'm always okay." I replied confusedly.

"You don't remember? You just had a high fever." Wait? Really?

"You're on the bed three days for now. I'm glad you're okay now."


After a long minutes of silence, I finally spoke up.

"So," why don't you come back to bed and let me cuddle with you, hold you close until you can't escape, and let me kiss you and make love to you and let you have my babies.

Damn it, I want to say those words badly. What the fuck is happening to me? She bit her lip, I think she's feeling the same way too.

Kate's POV

"Uhmm," I spoke up, then looked at the clock that is placed beside Leo's bed.

"Oh, shit! I'm going to be late!" It's already eight forty five and my class starts at nine, so I only got 15 minutes.

"Hey, don't panic much!" Leo teased.

"Don't panic? I'm going to be fucking late. Mrs. fucking Streep is my first fucking class!" I growled at him.

"Woah, calm down. Don't you know that today is Saturday?"

Okay, now I know. Damn it! I was embarassed by that.

"What?" I asked, confusedly.

"It's the weekend, so you have nothing to worry about." His laugh got even louder that made my cheeks turn red.

After screaming at him for me to calm down for being so fucking late, here I am in a shame, knowing it's Saturday.

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