Conan have to agree, the true beautiful things require nothing to get attention. Why hasn't he seen this earlier? Was he too warped in his heroic game to save Ai? He was in a trance, before snapping away from it.

"Then uhm..." he mumbled, arousal rising in his blood at the thought of her being nude, "I don't know," he finished it with a sigh, trying to fight off the inappropriate imagination he has.

Ai, being observant as well, smirked at his unusual behaviour. "Well, if that happens, I'll skin you alive and sell your liver," she said sarcastically, turning her back on him, "because it'll be unfair if you have a transparent view of me."

"Unless..." she added, turning her attention towards him again, approaching him with her infamous catwalk whenever she teases him and whispered to his ear, "we'll have an eye for an eye." This made Conan blush even more, such that he could swear that he could hear his blood convulsing near his ears.


"I'm just kidding, you pervert," she said, placing her index finger on his forehead accusingly.

Conan returned a bored expression, and muttered in a deadpan manner, "if I was a pervert I would have peaked or seen more of you in that Steaming Locked Room case!"

Her face turned bright red at the memory of that case where they had a bit of an "eye for an eye". Now it was his turn to smirk.

"You were the one that placed chilli powder in my underwear just to have your revenge! Who's the pervert here?" he added teasingly.

"I'm getting sleepy," Haibara yawned. Conan was unsure if she was trying to change the subject or was simply exhausted. "There's still school tomorrow. You should sleep too."

"Okay," he reluctantly replied, a melancholic emotion in him as his illusion of having a good chat with her had been shattered. As he reached the door, he turned to her once more and asked worriedly, "Are you sure you'll be fine?"

Ai rolled her eyes, laughing at him condescendingly like it was the most comical joke she had ever heard. Closing the door, she commented, "do you think I'm a damsel in distress?"

No, but I can't watch you drown. I want to protect you, but you won't let me.

Conan lowered his head at the thought of the motion of her bedroom door shutting on his face repeatedly. Oh, how he disliked it completely. Even the inaudible sound of the door's clicking when it closes, to its creaks from its hinges. The sounds were like an anthem of rejection, evoking a sense of feeling unwanted from her. The strong desire to just pound his fist on the door continuously till she opens up to him, even it would cost a bruised hand. He lowered his head such that the eyes beneath his glasses are obscured by the reflecting light, but clearly, the eyes did not lie. Though hidden, it bore Conan's discontentment.

Damn it Haibara! If you could let me in, just this once.

Unknown to the bespectacled boy, Ai had a matching pair of dimmed eyes on the other side of the door. There they were, once again, separated by a wooden door, unable to reunite. The foolishness is not the object that segregates them, but the simplicity of the solution to their nagging circumstance - if only one agrees to open it and the other dares to ask.

Why don't you stop? If I allow you to save me again, I'll fall for you again. But I can't... I just can't... I'm afraid.

The girl had her back against the wooden material, with her thighs pressed to her chest. She silently wept for the love she secretly yearned. The thought of their first kiss brought a sharp pain to her chest and the tears cascaded more intensely, such a painful memory.

Detective Conan Fanfiction: Kiss of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now