"Tell who what?" It was Liam's voice sounding extremely curious about what Niall and I were talking about. Niall retreated away from me almost immediately, I prayed Liam didn't notice our closeness. 

But we were stuck with a question that I didn't know how to answer. What do we tell him? We just said that we didn't want anyone to know about us, but we couldn't wait to long to answer otherwise he'll get suspicious.

"The fans" I spoke quickly. Liam rose an eyebrow. "About Niall's tattoo" Liam's eyes widened and that's when I realised no one but myself knew about his tattoo. He had been covering it up with a watch ever since he got it just about.

"When did you get a tattoo?" he asked, genuinely surprised. Niall bit his lip and twisted the watch around his wrist that held his tattoo. 

"Back home. Louis convinced me to get one" Niall told. Liam laughed insisting that Niall had to be drunk for him to even consider getting one. But we both assured him that he was completely sober while deciding and getting his tattoo.

"Well show me mate" Liam urged. 

Niall removed his watch and held out his hand, showing off his wrist and the little four leaf clover that sat there. He went on explaining to Liam how each leaf represented a band member and the fans. Liam seemed to like the idea of the tattoo and continued to praise Niall on getting one. 

Harry returned while Niall still had his arm extended and saw the green clover on Niall's skin. His eyes also widened as if he never thought he'd see the day that it happened. We went into discussion about how he got it and what it meant and all that stuff again. It was nice knowing we all had a tattoo now, but the fans didn't need to know that. 

"So, why aren't we telling the fans about the tattoo?" I mentally cursed. I hadn't thought of a reason why we wouldn't tell them. Thankfully it seemed like Niall had an answer to this question, he said it so easily like he had it already planned for when they asked.

"Thought it would be nice to let them find it themselves y'know. Let them notice it and gather their theories and when we have an interview or something I'll explain it all then" I stared at him. He really thought it through, I never would have thought of that as my response. 

"Whatever makes you happy mate" Liam spoke. "But now, I say its time for a feed. What do you say lads?" 


After tea and a few games of poker, we didn't strip this time, thankfully, we got ready for bed. We all climbed into our designated beds. So badly did I want to climb into Niall's and make out with him some more. We barely kissed today and I didn't like that feeling. Sadly, I settled for texting him, even though he was right above me, I didn't want to speak in case the other two heard.  

To Nialler:
Tomorrow morning I'm gonna shower, barge in saying you need the toilet 

I smirked as I sent that to him. I didn't want to shower with him or anything, I just wanted to kiss him. It seemed like the only way to really get him alone to do so. 

From Nialler:
So I get to kiss you naked? Sounds good to me ;) 

I held back a laugh at his text. 

To Nialler: 
Yeah, but you won't be :( 

From Nialler:
I might give you a sneak peak if you're good :p 

I had to actually hold back a laugh by holding my hand against my mouth. It wasn't that funny, I could just hear Niall saying those words to me and picture the look on his face. 

To Nialler: 
I'm always good :* 
Now, good night, love you

I smiled to myself like a love struck idiot as I sent it to him. I waited patiently for his reply. And my smile grew a little more when my phone buzzed and I read his text.

From Nialler:

Goodnight Lou, see you in the mornin xx

I felt like a school girl. But I wouldn't change those feelings it felt too nice to give up. Niall makes me feel wonderful, like there's nothing bad to worry about. This only occurred recently when I realised how great my life was going, and I couldn't be more thankful. I closed my eyes and let sleep consume my body. Two days we will be performing.

When I awoke I was the first one to be and I actually climbed out of bed and made myself my own tea. I had realised that no one can make tea better than Niall and I really wanted him to make me one everyday whenever I asked, but I couldn't possibly do that. So I had to suck it up and make it myself, even if it tasted mediocre.

One by one the boys left their bunks and greeted me. The urge to kiss Niall was immense, and I could tell Niall wanted to wrap his arms around me and kiss and hug me too, but he just sat himself down, grabbing a coaster - that we never used - from the table to occupy himself. 

When my mug was empty of the warm beverage, I put it in the sink, announcing my departure to the bathroom to shower for the day coming. We were heading into town and should be able to explore the city, even though we have multiple times before. 

I walked into the bathroom, towel and clothes on hand, remembering to keep the door unlocked so Niall could "barge" in with his "much needed use of the toilet". It sounded so stupid, but I couldn't think of a better option.

The water was turned on and I had just removed all my clothes about to step in when Niall burst through the door. He smiled at me as he walked over, a glint in his eyes. He grabbed my hips and pulled my naked body into his clothed one. He closed the gap and kissed me sweetly. 

"It was so hard not to kiss you this morning" he mumbled over my lips. "Gotta make this last" he nibbled my bottom lip before kissing me again and squeezing my bare ass. I squeaked in surprise.

"I know you missed me but we can't" I whispered. "At the hotel, promise" he smiled. 

"Only if we change things up a little, okay?" 

"Anything you want. Don't forget to flush" I pecked his lips and climbed into the shower. 

I was expecting to hear the toilet flush and Niall to leave, instead, I heard him using it. I poked my head out and there he was just standing there.

"Niall! What are you doing?" 

"Well, I did end up needing to go" he spoke like a five year old, I just laughed and returned to showering. I heard the toilet flush and the click of the door closing. Now, I had to shower before I could see that beautiful boy again. 

A/N this was such a stressful chapter. Thanks to a lovely friend and reader, Tarlza, I managed to get some ideas to complete this one. Sorry it took so long. I may not update as much as I used to because I'm kind of getting out of writing for now and I feel like I need spaced out chapters. Enjoy though guys got some things planned to happen soon!

The Next Morning //Nouis// boyxboy ✅Where stories live. Discover now