<Parting Ways> Italy P. 4

Start from the beginning

You closed your eyes as you waited for the heavy explosion. You felt the vibration shake you but you were thrown aside.

"Lucy!!" Lucy had shoved you out the way and took the malfunctioned bomb to herself. It killed her instantly. Your only friend, now dead instantly from the impact, lying lifeless in your arms. Her face was half blown off and her stomach was somewhat ripped open. "Lucy, why...? Why, god damn it!? You didn't deserve this!" You couldn't stop crying no matter how hard you tried, causing your eyes to become puffy and red. "Lucy... I'm so sorry..." You left her destroyed corpse where it laid before. "I'll make sure everyone knows about you... I promise..." You got up slowly and retreated indoors.

Four left.

You could barely sleep. It was all your fault Lucy died and your shoulders felt pressured with guilt. Unbearable pain surged through your body, metaphorically. You arose limply from your concrete bed to go splash some water on your face to calm your nerves. The sun was gradually coming up over the hills and at least some of the gunfire had become somewhat more quiet. "Why has nobody come for us yet..?" you wondered before you were interrupted by a slight knocking on your dorm door. The door gave a distinct squeak as it revealed a middle-height girl with long hot pink hair and dazzling blue eyes. She was almost mesmerisingly beautiful. "Hi! You must be ___, obviously, even I'd know that!" she bellowed in laughter. "I'm Cassandra, one of Lucy's friends..." The way the word friends slid of her tongue like she had rehearsed it all night have you stinging shivers. "I thought I should give you a little something, you know, to lighten the mood a little?" You took in the keen detail she hasn't revealed her hands yet. They were firmly positioned behind her back. "Yeah, sure. What is it?" you replied with a monotone sound.

"This!" She launched at you with one of the kitchen knives. It was rusty and dull, meaning even more pain. Someone once asked me how would I kill someone? A blunt knife, I replied. They were confused. Surely a sharpened knife would be more effective? No, dear, you see, a sharp knife is the easy option. It cuts through skin with no issue at all. A dull knife requires more... Power of digging into the skin, causing a much longer and painful death. Due to her obviously klutz-like nature, you were easily able to dodge several of her attacks with ease and skill. "I'll kill you for what you did to her and then Heracles and I can be together forever!!" Swaying from one side to the other and she lunged forwards, each time with less effort. At some point, you noticed her fatigue and over-powered her by pulling her arm behind her back and stealing the knife from her and forcing it deep into her nimble neck. The simple sound of cutting flesh appeased you greatly as your (e/c) eyes became small and soulless. "Pathetic." you spat, picked up her heavily bleeding corpse and tossed it carelessly below out of an opposite window.

Three left.

You got changed into some casual clothes. Just a plain white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, nothing much. It was all you had left but at least you could raid Cassandra's bedroom now for any supplies to keep you alive as long as possible. You went down to the second floor and quickly found room 204, Cassandra and "Gasi"'s room. Must have been her roommate. Luckily, her room was left unlocked so you didn't haven't to scavenge her body. It looked similar to your room but was covered with posters of popular boy bands and scattered pieces of the colour pink everywhere. It was kind of off-putting while you were searching through her items. You found some more comfortable clothes, fruits and gunk food and some drinks like tea and coffee containers. Before leaving, you went through one more drawer which you assumed belonged to this Gasi girl. Inside, you found a small, dusted book. Curiousness took over you and you forced the book open in your palms.

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry, Casi, I can't stay here any longer. I'm sure you'll be find here without me and I'll come back soon with help, I assure you! Besides, Heracles will come find you and I'll go out to try to find Seamus. I wish you luck!

P.S: I don't trust that ___ girl. If someone disappears, you need to kill her no matter what. She seems... Dangerous. Especially since she's with someone so high up. Be careful.

"That bitch!" you screamed and tossed the diary behind you. At least she's probably dead. There's been no sign of survivors anyways. On your way back to your room, you passed by a similar room but excessive coughing could be heard within. "Jao and Arian's room". You peeked inside but what was inside scarred you. There was a girl with short brown hair hanging from a noose attached to the ceiling tightly. Her body was still warm, so she only just died.

Two left.

Two days went by and nobody disturbed you at all. There was one girl left in this school but you had no idea where the hell she was! Such a bore, all this death and murder was starting to become entertaining. You hadn't even considered Lucy's death anymore. It was like she never existed and it thrilled the blood circulating your body.

You were going insane.

For zero reason at all, you broke into a maniac-like laughter. You often spent your time huddled in a corner of you room and drilled your finger nails across the wallpaper in pleasure. Sanity is overrated no matter how you look at it. You ears began to twitch slightly at the sound of noise.


Was it the final girl? What did she want? Could it be the rescue party? Feli?

"B-Bella? You in here?" That was definitely Feliciano's voice. You knew the stupid Italian for ages and could sense him for miles. You dashed out of the room and into the empty hallway. Nobody was there...?

"Nice to see you join us, ___." A sinister voice trailed down the hallway. You followed the voice to see a punk-red girl holding a stereo player. "Who are you?" you barked with a hidden knife in your sleeve. She straddled forwards with no sign of answering or playing nice. "Just you and I now, huh? Process of elimination-" Her words were cut off mid-speech because you cut the knife deep into her stomach. "You asshole." She fell to the ground and you felt no remorse. After all, why bother caring about a stupid life?

One remains. Her soul broken.

"I knew it... Bella..." Feliciano sheepishly appeared from behind the end of the corridor. "I-I-It's not what it looks like!" "It's exactly what it is! Pooki would be ashamed!" Pooki, Feliciano's weird cat that always followed him, the fluff ball you held dearly. "I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..." You collapsed to your knees and dropped the knife which echoed throughout the corridor. "... It's okay, Bella... After all that's happened, I can't blame you. Now, let's go home and make pasta!" He lifted you back to your feet, revealing that stupid face you loved so much. "Y-yeah!"

A few months later

Life gradually returned to normal after some time. We had won the war and as a result, you got to return home as the lone victor. Nobody ever saw or spoke of the academy ever again. You were now outside in the spring breeze, tending to flowerbeds similar to the ones you had seen before several-a-time. "Ve~, you look beautiful today, ___!" Feli cheered as he looked over you while you removed a plant from its pot and into the fertilised soil. "Haha, thanks, Feli!" You gave him a quick peck and a hug. All of a sudden, he slipped something round your finger. You backed up to glance at the jewelled ring now affirmed on your finger. Tears welled in your eyes.

"I will!"

Author's Note: This went a complete 360. In a few moments, I'm going to release a poll chapter of which I'd appreciate you giving feedback on it. Thanks :)

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