Chapter 26: Snow

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“Plough!” I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him on the cheek.

He turns a bright red and Prim giggles.

“Oh my gosh, Rue,” Prim exclaims. “You must be starving!”

My stomach rumbles as I realise I haven’t eaten since this morning. Did I even have breakfast earlier today in the Launch Room? I haven’t eaten for about two days.

            “I’ll ask for someone to bring us dinner,” says Prim, then rushes off.

            Plough and I sit at the table.

            “I thought you were dead! How did you get here?” I ask, excitedly.

            “Gale was in District 11 when they took you away. He was supposed to come and take me to District 13, so he came to my house a few minutes after you’d left dressed as a peacekeeper. Gale told the peacekeeper that he would take me to be turned into an Avox and could save him a trip to the Capitol. I was unconscious at this point, but I woke up on here and they told me what happened. I’ve been on the hovercraft since the day I last saw you. They checked me for a concussion and things like that, and I’m fine.”

            I’m so relieved.

            Prim comes in the door with Johanna.

            “Someone from the kitchen is going to bring us some sandwiches,” she says.

Johanna grins at me. “I had to find you. I’ve come to eat with you guys.” Johanna and Prim sit down in the empty seats.

Prim turns to Plough. “Have you told her about…?”

He shakes his head.

“What?” Johanna and I say at the same time.

Plough sighs. “The leader of this whole operation still wants you to kill President Snow.”

“The leader?” I’d always sort of assumed Haymitch was the leader.

“They have to remain anonymous for some secrecy act reason. We don’t know much about them, but they have sorted out everything since last year. They organised this hovercraft, and organised the guns to be given to the tributes. We trust whatever they say. Anyway, the leader wants you to kill Snow. For real this time.”

“You’re supposed to be dropped off at Snow’s mansion tomorrow,” adds Prim.

Tomorrow? That’s so soon!”

“I don’t think Rue should do it,” says Johanna. “She only just got out of the Games. She’s worn out, physically and mentally.”

Prim shrugs. “It’s not us that think she should. It’s orders from District 13. You’re having a good night’s sleep tonight and good meals tomorrow, so you won’t be too tired.”

The sandwiches are delivered by somebody I do not recognise, who I guess is from District 13. We eat in silence. Johanna and I are very hungry and eat a lot. When we are finished, we are tired since we’ve been walking all day. Johanna goes to her bed and is sad to leave me even though she is just next door.

I sleep in my clothes, though I am offered pyjamas. It feels safe to have Prim across the room from me and Plough just through a door.

I sleep until after noon the next day. We have brunch since I missed breakfast, and Johanna joins us again.

“I’m going to do it,” I announce.

The three of them look at me in surprise.

“Too many people have died because of Snow. He has caused so much hunger

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