"No, no you don't, because she'll only feed you more lies," Damon said rolling his eyes.

"You mean she'll tell me the truth and that's what you're afraid of," I shot back at him and he glared at me.

"Katherine did say something to me before I shut her in the tomb," Damon muttered after a moment.

"What?" Stefan asked.

"She said that Elena was in danger," Damon groaned, obviously beating himself up internally that he didn't heed her warning.

"And you didn't think to ask her more on this?" Stefan said, sounding exasperated.

"No, because everything that comes out of her mouth is full of lies," Damon retorted angrily.

"Not all of it," I muttered.

"Becs, this isn't about you right now. Elena is missing and probably in a lot of danger so would you just shut up about this stupid secret you think we're keeping," Stefan shouted angrily.

"You know what Stefan, screw you. You can find Elena on your own," I growled and stormed off.

"Becs!" Damon shouted after me, before snapping at Stefan, "See what you've done now. Go and apologise."

Suddenly, Stefan was standing in front of me holding my shoulders. "Becs, I'm sorry, I'm just stressed and worried."

"I get that Stefan, but you can't take it out on me when all I've done is be here for you for over a century and then suddenly I find out that the two people I am closest to are keeping secrets from me," I sighed, "How do you think that makes me feel?"

"Becs-" Stefan tried to speak but I cut him off, knowing what he was about to say.

"Don't even try to tell me you're not because I have known since the moment Katherine said it and you and Damon shared that look. I know you two like the back of my hand, don't you think I know when you're lying to me," I glared at him.

"Look, we did it for your own good, we didn't have a choice," Stefan sighed.

"Yes you did, you could have told me," I snapped. "You have had so many opportunities to tell me. So tell me now, go on tell me what this big secret is."

"We need to find Elena," Damon said, standing behind Stefan's shoulder. "We can talk about this later."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes. "What's the plan?" Of course I was still going to help find her, she's my boyfriend's sister. Besides maybe he'll be more willing to spend time with me if I get her back. Oh, and both Stefan and Damon are in love with her, so I'd be forced to help anyway.

"We're going to visit Katherine," Stefan said immediately.

"Yes," I smirked. It almost made me laugh at how only a few months ago - weeks in fact - I was afraid of seeing Katherine, I hated the thought of it. Yet, now I wanted nothing more than to go and see her and get my answers. I still hated her immensely, don't get me wrong, but now I needed her. I needed information from her.

"No, because let me tell you how that's going to go: we're going to ask her for help, she's going to negotiate a release, which you're going to be dumb enough to give her and then she's going to get out and kill us," Damon argued against us.

"I don't really care," Stefan said, walking back towards his car. I quickly followed him, not wanting to miss this.

"Let's go see Katherine," I grinned heading towards his car.

"No, we're going to see Bonnie first," Stefan said sternly. "Remember this is about finding Elena, please."

I sighed and started following back into the school. When he found Bonnie he immediately fired his demand at her without so much as a 'hello'. "Bonnie, I need you to take down the spell on the tomb."

Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? TVD FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now