"And where were you Louis? Find anyone to share the new year with?" he played with his thumbs. 

"Eh, you know I was around. Didn't find anyone to share a kiss with but it's alright, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now" he spoke, and that was how the question was being asked. From his last answer. 

"That's because you're expecting, am I right?" everyone was quiet, waiting for the confirmation that the eldest of the boy band member was expecting his first child. 

"Yes, I am expecting a child" everyone's jaws dropped at the news, not really expecting it to be true. But it was, he was expecting a child. 

"Well, I guess a congratulations is in order for that" Henry laughed and shook Louis's hand. Louis just smiled and thanked him. 

After that, we talked more. About rubbish as always, then we were up to sing. The best part of interviews was the singing of our newest song. We all stood on the stage in a line, our microphones in front of us on the stands as we sung Infinity. 

When the song was over, Henry came over and thanked us for being on the show, we all walked backstage and returned our microphones that clipped on our shirts and I took Louis's wrist dragging him farther away from the other two and into the toilets. I shoved us in a stall and pushed him against the closed door. 

Louis just looked at me in shock, stunned at how forceful I was being. I just needed him, I missed him, craved him. I needed those lips on mine, he didn't even speak before I kissed him forcefully on the mouth. He sunk into the kiss immediately, his arms wrapping around my neck, my hands on his waist. It was wonderful. 

He pulled away first, breathing heavily onto my face. My lips still chased after his, giving up and moved to his jaw. A light moan came out from his still ragged breathing. 

"Damn Niall, what brought that on?" he chuckled. 

"I've missed you so damn much" I told him as I sucked his neck. "You have no idea" Louis's hands rested on my shoulders now as I continued to suck his neck. 

"You never came to see me" Louis teased. 

"Mmm. Neither did you" he chuckled. "Wanna come back to mine. I really want to get these clothes off you, they would look so much better on my bedroom floor" I grabbed his dick in his jeans and he whined. He wasn't hard, yet, but he was getting there. "Oh the things to do to you Tommo" 

"Fuck. You gotta call me that while you fuck me, yeah?" he was breathless and turned on, he was putty in my hands. 

"Anything you want" I spoke hotly into his ear, that's when we heard the door open and the clacking of Harry's boots on the tiles.

"You boys in here?" Harry asked. "We're going out for sone food and a drink, you coming?"

"Yeah, be out soon" I called out seeing Louis who did not seem able to speak properly.

"Alright, meet us at the dressing rooms" Harry spoke and left us alone again.

"Later my Love we shall have great, great sex" I kissed his lips quickly then pulled him away from the door and dragged him to the dressing room.

Harry and Liam stood talking with each other, something private I assumed so I just waited with Louis until we were all ready to go.


"Fuck that was good" I said as I rolled off the top of Louis. He laid there breathless with sweat and cum on his chest.

"You forgot to call me Tommo" his voice was hoarse and gravelly. A different tone for him. But definitely a good one. 

"Mm sorry babe. Next time" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I cupped his cheek as we share a lazy kiss, I was still very much exhausted from the sex we just had. It was intense. I smiled as I laid on my side and traced over his worded tattoo across his chest. Louis smiled as he closed his eyes, enjoying the peaceful gesture.

After the interview we all went to one of the pubs, something low key and casual not really feeling up for a fancy afternoon out. We just spent it catching up on each other's lives that we missed over the break, and me subtly taking Louis's hand in mine under the table. Harry and Liam seemed to stay out of trouble over the break, Louis and I though, we weren't so lucky. But we made sure to get rid of the conspiracies people had about us. I mean we had too, we couldn't let the world know about us yet. It had only been three months since we've actually been together. It honestly doesn't even feel that long.

When we decided we had enough to eat, and drink - which wasn't much seeing as we had to drive - we all got up to head home. Louis followed me back to my place though, since we needed to take care of the business we started in the toilets back at the studio. 

"You know" Louis spoke for the first time in five minutes. "I think this is the first time I've really been in your room, and your bed" I chuckled. 

"Mm, you're right. How was your first time in my room?" he laughed. 

"Fantastic" I smiled at him, he was so wonderful with his blue eyes and shaggy brown hair - that currently stuck to his forehead - not to mention his light stubble that was growing  on his upper lip and jaw line. That was enough to make me go crazy. 

"That's very good" I allowed my hand to lightly trace over his body, from the inked words on his chest, down to his thighs. I wasn't even thinking about what was there, not until the surface changed from his smooth skin to rougher skin. 

I looked down at the scars that lined the tops of his thighs, high enough not to be seen in shorts, especially his footy shorts that made him look extra fine. Louis tensed as I touched them, he wasn't proud of his choices, he's told me that, and he was ashamed of his looks, I wish he wasn't he was stunning, sure he could add some extra weight onto himself, but he was beautiful nonetheless. 

He didn't utter a single word as I continued to follow the lines with my finger. I couldn't tell if he was about to cry, or if he didn't care I was touching them. I knew he did these before we got together, I just wish I could have stopped him, spoken to him about the thoughts going on in his head. 

"Niall" he was quiet. He grabbed my hand in his and held it. 

"Sorry" I whispered. I kissed his knuckles. "You wanna stay? The night? I can make us some dinner" 

"I would love to stay the night with you" we shared a smile and a chaste kiss. 

"Great, I'll head down and get tea going, grab something to wear" I climbed out of bed and rummaged through my clothes finding a pair of sweat pants to wear. I pulled them on and headed to the kitchen. 

I hope Louis took his time to come down and join me, sure I wanted him near me, but what we did was pretty full on, I didn't want him to hurt himself. I stood in my kitchen and looked through the cupboards and fridge. I settled on a stir-fry. 

I was cutting up the vegetables when Louis retreated from my room in a shirt and pair of sweat pants of mine, looking small in them. I needed to help him gain weight. Maybe he would eat more now things are going well again. I mean he was "going to be a dad" and he had me, and he had the tour coming up soon. What's not to be happy about. Hopefully nothing, that's all I can wish for.  

A/N don't forget to comment and vote

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