Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Skylar's POV

I couldn't feel anything but the horrible pain that radiated through every cell in my body. It was unberable. I could feel every broken bone, every slice in my skin, every bruise on my torn flesh. My pain enveloped me in a thick cloud of misery.

I could feel my bones being set and my wounds being stiched. My pain reached its peak as I realised, this is how it feels to die.

My heart was fighting a thick attle that would determine if i would live or die.

Slowly, my pain dulled and i came to the realisation that the only thing in life that is certain is death. The time is unknown but it is known that death is unavoidable. It will get me no matter what i do.

So I can fight but i will never win.

Slowly my pain faded and i became aware of my surroundings. i must be in a hospital. That would explain the antiseptic smell. I could hear doctors talking quietly from somewhere in the room. I could feel a cool sheet being set on my body.

I heard the door creak as it was opened. I felt some one take my hand in theirs gently. Then i heard the only voice in the world that could awaken me from this pain.

Kandee. She was begging me to open my eyes. Her voice was raw and scratchy. It sounded as though she had been crying for hours. She probably had.

It was killing me to know that she was hurting because of me. I was making her relive the worst night of her life. I was causing her to sink into a pain fille memory.

She broke down in tears when my eyes failed to resond to her request.

Then i heard Matt speak softly.

"Sing to him. He always loved your voice. "

It was true. I loved her velvety voice. It was so captivating. I loved the way her emotions rang clear in the seris of words that formed lyrics. She loved music just as much as her father had.

I heard her take a shakey breath as the lyrics slid from her lips.

She was singing Wake Me Up When September Ends. The lyrics were slowly pulling me toward conscienceness.

She fell silent as my eyes fluttered open. I looked all over The room before my eyes found hers. All my psin melted away. In its place was a feeling of relief and something i didnt quite understand. It felt like love.

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