Chapter 66

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Finding the one person you would trust your life with is hard. Losing them is even harder. So for everyone out there who has ever lost that person who was your hero, your rock, the one you turned to when everything fell apart, this is for you. I have seen people I love succumb to cancer, die suddenly and without warning, watched pets fly through their lives. Recently, my friend Katherine lost her dad, and Katherine if you're reading this, I just want you to know that you can always lean on me. I will be there when you need me. I don't care if it's two in the morning or eight at night, I'm only a phone call, text, or email away. I wouldn't mind being woken up or staying up all night to talk. Just remember that I'm here for you. I will always have your back.

Katherine has inspired me so much. She has inspired me with her bravery, her strength, her humor, and with her courage. She has become my idol, some one who I will always look up to. She has made me smile and forget my problems on the days that I just wanted to give up and hide. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. So I just wanted to so thank you. And Katherine, I hope everything turns out okay. That thing brighten up and life takes a turn for the better. Thank for being such an amazing friend.

Now I know that not everyone has that person to turn to, but I hope that someday you find them. If it were not for my friends and my family I don't know what I would do. So to everyone: Thank You.

Chapter 66

Kandee's POV

I watched the steady rhythm of the monitor that stood by the side of Cole's bed. It had been four days now and he still hadn't opened his eyes. He was still and silent, nothing like the lively person he had been before. His skin was pale, his cheeks had been leached of all color. His hands were cold. He resembled a doll in this lifeless state.

I watched his chest rise and fall with his every breath. Just breathe, Cole, just keep on breathing. Life may not be fair but this was done right cruel. It was torture, watching the hands on the clock tick away at what little time he may have left. Where had we gone wrong? What had we done?

I watched with hatred as the clock hand landed on eight. Visiting hours were over and I was to be escorted out of the hospital. Yes they had to escort me out.

“Ma'am visiting hours-” A nurse began.

“Are over. I know!” I snapped angrily.

Moments later, Sky was at the door, ushering me out of the room. But I would not leave without completing my drill. First I took Cole's hand in mine, explaining that I would be back first thing in the morning. Then I pressed my lips to his wishing he would kiss me back. And finally, I made sure the blankets were tucked in and that he would be warm.

When I reached the door, Skylar grabbed my hand, dragging me from the room. He had to tug me down the hallways to the parking structure, only letting go to unlock his car.

I slipped into the front seat and Sky locked the doors. He looked at me with determination on his face.

“You are going back to school tomorrow.” He said confidently.

“No I am not.” I hissed.

There was enough acid in my voice to make him cringe.

“Kandee, the school said that if you don't return by tomorrow you are going to fail your Senior year.” Sky said, trying to coax me into agreeing.

“I don't care.” I said coldly.

“Yes you do.” Skylar whispers.

It was true, I did care. Failing now would ruin any chance I had of getting into a good college.

“No I don't.” I snarled.

“You're just pissed that you won't get to spend the day sulking in that hospital room! He is as good as dead Kandee! Why can't you just move on?” Sky snapped.

I flinched and blinked away the tears, refusing to cry. I turned my head and looked out the window, putting up a wall between Skylar and myself. I felt the car come to a stop and I undid my seat-belt. Mad as all get out, I flipped the lock and lunged out of the car. I rolled onto the grass before jumping to my feet. Hurt and angry, I took off running down the street. I could hear Skylar calling my name but I didn't care.

F**k him! He had no right to say that! Cole was not dead! HE was not going to die! I sobbed as I tumbled to the ground. I curled up on my side, just as the rain began to fall. I was shivering and sobbing when some one grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me to my feet.

“Get you hands off of me!” I shouted, struggling to get away.

“Hey! Hey! Its just me. Okay?” Sky said.

I jerked away and took off once again. Amy lived somewhere around here. At least I think she did. Amy was the only friend that had stood by me through my parents death. She was such a good friend. She was always happy and had an answer for every thing.

I had been running for about five minutes before I reached Amy's house. I pounded my fist against the door. After a moment, my best bud appeared. She looked surprised to see me, especially given my cold wet state.

“Kandee! What are you doing out there? Get in here!” She shouted shoving the door open so I could enter.

“Thanks Amy. I missed you girl.” I stuttered through chattering teeth.

Amy handed me a bundle of dry clothes and ordered me to go change before I froze to death.

Skylar's POV

I lurched toward the house that Kandee had entered. Gasping for breath I began to pound on the door. The inside door opened slowly. Behind it stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Her strawberry blond hair fell in loose curls around her perfect face. Her curls ended at about her shoulders. A rosy blush colored her cheeks. A small smile played at her lips. Her indigo eyes were mesmerizing. Her curves were hypnotizing. And her voice was captivating.

“Hello....I-I'm-” I stuttered before she interrupted.

“Skylar! It's so nice to finally meet you! Now come on in before you freeze to death!” The small blonde chirped.

She opened the door and pulled me inside the house. I couldn't ignore the jolts of electricity that erupted when her hand touched mine.


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