Chapter 38

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For those Who have not read dementedwars story Demented Wars, I highly suggest you go read it! It Is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Okay so I have officially uploaded like twice today! The bed races are tonight! It is where we push people down Main street on bed and see who can complete the course the fastest, It is tons of fun. I can’t wait.

So I am pretty sure some one out there thinks that Matt is like bipolar or something. Because he is all over the place with his emotions. But he is not at least not that I know of.......

So the next several chapters are probably just going to be Kandee and Sky in the hospital. But this chapter is Cole's POV. Yep you are going to find out why he kissed Kandee... Or maybe I will be mean and just post a total crap chapter. No I think I will be nice today. Yep you are going to see in side Cole's head. But it will start as Kandee's POV.

Now I am sure no one reads these little comments I post with my chapters. But I post them anyways.

Here Is-

Chapter 38

Kandee's POV

He stared at me, waiting for me to say something. But my mind was drawing a blank. I was rocketing into the past.


I sat on my fathers lap and cried. He was stroking my hair and shushing me.

“But I Don't Want You To Leave!” I screamed.

“We aren't leaving. We will be back in a couple hours. You just have to stay with Aunt Jamie until we get back. Okay?” He had asked.

“Promise?” I whimpered.

“I promise that I will never leave you.”

[End Flashback]

I sat motionless as I dwelled in the memory. My father had used Cole's words. But that didn't stop him from leaving...forever. So how would they keep Cole from leaving? No matter how often everyone tells me that they won't leave, they still do. They realize how messed up my life is and it is too much. They can't withstand my life. I can't withstand my life.

“Don't say that. Please don't say that.” I whispered as tears filled my eyes.

“What?” Cole asked, genuinely confused.

“Don't say that you will never leave. You will leave. Maybe not today, but someday you'll get tired of me and you'll leave.” I choked as I began to sob.

He looked at me sadly. His eyes became cloudy as they filled with an unknown emotion. He shook his head and squeezed my hand softly.

“I sure not everyone leaves you Kandee. Look at Skylar. He never left you. I won't either.”

I took a deep breath trying to control my tears.

“The night my parents died, my dad made me a promise. He promised that they would never leave me. But they did, Cole, they left me for forever. They died and left me all alone. Matt promised he would never leave. But he left and took a big part of my heart with him. He made me believe again. And now I am broken beyond repair.”

His eyes grew darker to a point close to emerald. He clenched his jaw and I flinched. I knew I was safe but I couldn't help it. Tears slid down his cheeks and he dropped my hand.

Cole's POV

I dropped her hand and by the look on her face you'd think I had slapped her. Her face contorted with fear,defeat, and pain. Somehow this beautiful girl was able to survive. Life had been so hard for her. She struggled everyday of her life. She lost so must, yet gained so little. Her heart was broken and in disrepair yet she still managed to love. She had managed to survive against all odds. But she couldn't survive alone for much longer. Yet she refused to let anyone into her world. She was so terrified that if she let some one in, they would turn and leave.

I dropped my head into my hands. I was so confused and saddened. She had everyone falling for her, and they were falling hard and fast. Yet she was to traumatized to let them try and mend her broken heart. She had no idea just how much I loved her. She was blissfully unaware. Yet I was well aware and the fear of rejection was definitely a factor in how nervous I was becoming.

I lifted my head from my hands and looked at her perfect face. Yes, she may be broken but she is still the purest form a beauty imaginable. Her blue and silver eyes that sparkled like diamonds. Her full lips that every guy dreamed of kissing. Sigh. If only she could understand.

“I'm sorry. About your parents, I'm sure your dad never thought that they would die. I don't think he was trying to hurt you. He never saw it coming.” I whispered, looking at my hands.

She let a few more tears fall before speaking.

“I know he didn't mean for it to happen. I know it was an accident. But that doesn’t make it hurt any less. It makes it worse. They weren't supposed to die. They were supposed to come home. They were supposed to take the highway but they didn't. How could they have known? They were supposed to tell me about my mom having another baby. Yeah my mom was pregnant. Not only did I lose my parents, I lost my little brother or sister too. They said we would go to the park but they never made it home! They didn't live long enough to say good bye. I didn't get one last hug or one more kiss. No, I got to watch them die instead. It isn't fair. Cole, it was never fair. The odds have never been in my favor. My life has become a never ending cycle of pain. I can't let anyone in because I an to afraid that they will leave. So I am destined to spend my life all alone. I can't fight any longer.”

So what do you think?

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