Chapter 76

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I don't really have much to say...I think I'm getting sick, so sorry if this chapter sucks. It made sense as I was typing it, but the more I re-read it the more confused I get...

Chapter 76

Kandee's POV

“What?” I asked incredulously.

“How can I understand that you don't want to waste a single second with me? That is nothing compared to what I feel! So how can I understand?” Cole exclaimed passionately.

“But-” I began.

“I don't want to misuse even a nanosecond with you! I want to be next to you for every moment that is eternity. I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go! But it doesn't matter what I want. What matters is what you need. And right now you need to get some sleep. Okay?” He ranted.

Tears pricked in my eyes as what he had said began to sink in.

“You know eternity will never be long enough for me, right?” I asked looking into Cole's pastel eyes.

Pastel green doesn't quite sum up the way his eyes looked at that moment. They sparkled like opal. Not just green, but traces of blue and gold intermingled with slivers of a coppery color. His eyes were like rainbows.

“I know.” He whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

I would have stood there with him forever, had it not been for the effects of sheer exhaustion making themselves known. I was fighting to keep my eyes open as sleep beacon me. Cole chuckled and moved to scoop me into his arms.

“Oh no you don't.” I scolded batting his hands away.

“What?” He asked innocently.

“I am not taking any chances with you. I am perfectly capable of walking to my room.” I stated.

“Fine, you win.” Cole said defeated.

With that said we walked hand in hand toward my room with Aladdin following close behind.

Skylar's POV

Amy sat next to me as the principle lectured us about leaving the school building without prior consent. We just nodded and swore that it would never happen again. After an hour of scolding and questioning, we were sent back to class.

“I can't believe we got away with just a strict 'I don't want any repeats of this behavior'!” I laughed as Amy and I walked toward our eighth hour class.

Amy just chuckled and shook her head. A playful smirk was appearing on her lips despite her obvious efforts to keep it at bay. The glint in her indigo eyes was that of mischief.

“You're just lucky that you're cute, or else I might not find this quite as humorous.” She teased.

“All this, and all I get is cute?” I asked, gesturing at my body.

Amy laughed and looked up, into my eyes. I could barely breathe when I looked in her eyes.

“Okay. I guess you're a little hot.” She giggled.

“Oh? Is that so?” I laughed.

Cole's POV

I lay next to Kandee as she slept peaceful under her warm comforter. A smile was permanently glued to my lips. This girl was sheer perfection, nothing could ever trump her beauty. I would never find another girl that could ever make me feel like I do when I am laying next to Kandee. For the first time since my parents left me, I felt wanted and needed.

I was studying Kandee's perfect face. Her eyes fluttered as she slept and her lips twitched into a smile. She yawned and reached out like she was trying to find something. Her hand caught my shirt and she pulled herself closer to my side before snuggling her head onto my chest. I flinched and sucked in a sharp breath as her head rested against the sutures in my skin. The pressure of her head set my bruised ribs on fire. I could feel tears sting my eyes as I tried not to yelp in response to the severe pain.

I tried to move her gently back onto her pillows but she woke up anyway.

“Oh, crap! Cole I'm so sorry! Are you okay?” She asked startled.

I just nodded and turned slowly onto my back, trying to ignore the intensifying pain in my chest.

“I'll be right back.” Kandee said softly.

I heard her feet hit the floor as she padded out of the room. A few moments later she returned with an ice pack wrapped in a dish cloth. She placed it on the right side of my chest before hurrying out of the room again. She returned with another ice pack. She placed it on the left side of my chest and handed me to ibuprofen.


Okay so some quick facts:

The story is taking place in the U.S., specifically Wisconsin. So here is the lingo-

Bubler- something you drink out of.

Water fountain- something you toss coins in to make a with.

Ibuprofen- a pain killer.

Parking lot- also referred to as a car park.

Cafeteria- also called a canteen

So yep that's all I can think of..... If there are any you find let me know.

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