Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I hobbled up the steps to take a shower and get dressed. I turned on the water and waited for it to bet warm. I stepped it and the the water wash away all of my stress and worry. After almost 30 minutes i stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel. I towled off my hair as i walked to my room. I was half way there when i heard some one whistle. I turned around to find Sky watching me with abvious pleasure. I shook my head and replied .

"Take a picture it last longer." And he did just that. He whipped out his phone and took a picture.

I just turned a round and continued walking to my room. I shut my door making sure to lock it. Then i wondered over to my dresser to get my under garments. Once i had on a bra and panties i walked to my closet i slid on some white jeans and a bright purple tank top.

I unlocked my door and walked down the steps. I headed straight to the medicine cabnit in the ktchen. I took one of my pain meds and grabbed a poptart. I love poptarts. I dont get why they are called poptarts thought because they arent tart at all. Oh well.


Sorry its so short but have lots to ask you guys.

Do you like the story so far?

Who do you think should be on the cast?

Do you like Hayley Williams as Kandee?

Do you think the story is moving to fast?

If there was one thing you could change about the story what would it be?

Will you help me find and editor and a book cover?

Should i write other stories or focus on this one?

Ok thanks. Remember to become a fan so you know when more chapters are avalible.

Vot and comment please.

Have an awesome smurf filled day!

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