Chapter 61

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Happy Halloween!! I love Halloween! You can wear whatever you want. You get to eat candy until yo get sick! Plus you can scare people without getting in trouble! Free candy and entrainment! I love this holiday!!

I found a cape. So now I get to be a Gothic red riding hood! Now I can reuse my homecoming dress! Which is like totally awesome! I get to wear my not-so-practical ankle boots! They are black and they have zippers.... For some reason I have become fascinated with talking to inanimate objects today! I had a very nice conversation with my Mac & Cheese, then I lectured my pants for tripping me, and after that I tried to convince my computer that it should more portable. Yeah I told my Net-book it needed to be more portable........

I am on a Beatles kick today! I love their music! It is a tragedy that John and George are no longer with us. If only everyone could embrace world peace. So with Peace and Love, I give you yet another chapter!

Chapter 61

Cole's POV

I looked at her delicate face, she looked so peaceful. She looked so much younger, so innocent, as she lay there motionless. It was as though the moment I closed my eyes she would disappear. She seemed so unreal, so lifeless.

I could feel my pain medication begin to fade as the sharp stabbing returned to my chest. As though she had read my thought, a nurse walked into the room. She checked all the monitors and machines attached to my angel before checking my IV.

“Is there anything I could get for you? A blanket, some water, anything?” The nurse asked kindly.

“Yes, could I please have some more pain medication?” I asked quietly, not taking my eyes off of Kandee.

“Sure, it will be just a moment though. I need to send the script to the pharmacy downstairs first.” She replied in a motherly tone.

I just nodded and returned my focus back to Kandee.

“Please wake up. Please, Kandee? Please?” I pleaded, tears trickling down my cheeks.


My hope was fading and I was beginning to believe that she would never wake up. Her heart was unable to withstand anymore pain and it gave out. Truth be told if your heart is truly broken you would be dead. Kandee's heart was fractured and anything could cause it to shatter at this point.

“Kandee, please! I need you to wake up. I need you to be okay. I love you and I can't stand to lose you.” I whimpered.

Her eyes fluttered, then she was still. It was a sign. It had to be.


Her eyes fluttered again, struggling to open. After a few moments her brilliant blue eyes opened wearily. She coughed, putting her hands to her throat, where the tube was still in place.

I called for the nurse, my eyes never leaving hers.


(Still Cole's POV)

Kandee was smiling as if nothing had ever happened. But it had happened. Just two days ago she had been kept alive by a machine that forced air into her body. She had almost died. I had almost lost my angel, my hero, my reason to live.

Aladdin was at home with Angel. He now sported a splint on his back leg. The vet thinks that he fractured it when he was thrown from Kandee's arms. But he to, would be okay.

It seems that the only one that wouldn't be okay was me. The bullet had done more damage then the doctors had originally thought. It had hit my heart causing a small tear that, without another surgery, was going to kill me. But the test show that my body is still to weak to endure another surgery. So I was dying. I couldn't bring myself to tell Kandee. She had just come back to me and I was not going to lose her again. I would cherish what little time I had left with her.

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