Chapter 79

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So........It's been a long time, no a very long time since I last updated........Sorry......

I had writers block for awhile and then stuff came up......and then I got really lazy. So I'll try to make this chapter extra long.... I have 11 pages hand-written, but I'm sure it will only be like 2 here on wattpad.....

I've probably lost a lot of readers due to my extended absence.......So if your reading please forgive me.... I have had a rough couple months and am just finding the time to dedicate to my writing. I truly missed writing this story and am so happy to finally pick up where I left off. Now I can't promise regular uploads and consistent ones either, but I do promise to upload when I can. With summer just around the corner it won't be long until I can upload more frequently.

So I have some rather exciting news! My foot, which has caused my quite a few health problems, has finally healed! It took 2 years and quite a bit of patients but it finally happened! Yay!

Chapter 79

* Kandee's POV *

Cole spun around, a pillow grasped tightly in his hands, his strong fingers clung to the fabric without crumpling. Instead the silky material wrinkled and folded around them almost elegantly. The early morning sunlight streaming through the large bay window caused his eyes to sparkle and dance with a playful intensity that matched his mischievous smile perfectly.

But his joyful eyes were leached of their glee and filled with confusion, his expression fell slightly, and his smile faded as I let my pillow drop to the floor. I barely felt it slip from my fingers, not even hearing the soft puff of air as it plummeted to the hardwood below my bare feet. Cole's confusion transitioned to concern as I stumbled toward him, wrapping my arms around his stiff body and resting my my head against his tender chest. Tears stung my eyes as silent sobs rippled through my body.

“Shhhhh.....It's okay, everything's going to be alright.” Cole whispered soothingly as my tears stained his aged t-shirt. He pressed his lips to the top of my head as he swayed back and forth slowly in an attempt to calm me. As my sobs subsided, he pulled back to look at me, concern and love apparent in his pastel eyes.

“Are you okay?” Cole asked softly, his voice barely a whisper.

“Yes........and no....... I'm alright, but I'm not at the same time. It's just so confusing.” I mumble quietly. My emotions were all over the place; one minute I'm happy and the next I'm filled with fear and doubt. It was just so hard to understand, yet so easy to explain.

“What's so confusing? Kandee what's going on?” Cole questioned worriedly, his tone revealing his pleading thoughts. It wasn't difficult to understand what he thought I might be thinking.

“This,” I stated gesturing to us. “I just don't know whether I should stay or go. I don't know if, no, when, I am going to lose you. Cole, it's so scary, hard to live with. I love you so much, Cole, I really do and I'm terrified that someday I'm going to lose you. Just the thought of living without you hurt, hurts more than any any pain I have ever felt.” As so as I was finished ranting, Cole pulled me into his arms and just held me, allowing me to cry myself out.

“We really should get ready for school.” I croaked, my voice raw and my throat sore. Cole just nodded and released me from the comforting confines of his warm embrace.

With an intentionally slow pace, I made my way over to my closet, contemplating my options as to what I could wear. Sighing, I stepped into the chaotic mess I called a closet. After a few moments of skimming across the shelves and racks that line the walls of the small room, my eyes landed on my favorite pair of faded denim jeans. Then with little effort on my part, I located a billowy red top that would compliment my jeans quite nicely. Next I grabbed a pair of socks and fresh undergarments before sprinting to my bathroom.

Against All Oddsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें