Chapter 69

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I might just spend all of tomorrow uploading.....My foot split open again and this time it has gone further than its normal path. It hurt way worse than it looks. So yeah I have a date with an ice pack and elevation........This chapter will be dedicated to my friend Airon who inspired Alex. Airon reminds me of an innocent little just get the urge to say awe.......How I wish I could trade my sister for a puppy.........

I'm not sure if Alex will play a big part or not.......He might if Cole doesn't get his memory back........

Now I give you a new chapter!

Chapter 69

Kandee's POV

“So you must be Kandee? Right?” Cole asked.

He didn't remember me. How could he not remember me!?

“Yeah, it's me. You do remember me right?” I asked cautiously.

“You look so familiar. But I just don't know why.” He said deep in thought.

My heart was to broken to feel the pain that his words should have carried. I was numb and for once my heart wasn't causing me the pain which had haunted me for years. Funny how such a small thing can snowball so quickly.

“Angel? Can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked slowly.

She just nodded and followed me into the hallway.

“He doesn't remember me.” I said quietly.

“I'm sorry Kandee.” Angel said wrapping her arms around my small frame.

“It's okay. But I should probably head home.......I have school tomorrow.” I stated.

We said our good byes and I promised to return soon. I knew it was a promise that I would not keep.

Skylar's POV

Amy sat with her hands in her lap as we waited for Kandee. The waiting room was deathly silent. A small frown rested on her full, pink lips.

“Is something bothering you?” I asked softly.

“No. It's just, Kandee's my best friend and she is obviously in love with you. Which kind of complicates things......” She said trailing off.

“How does that complicate things?” I asked curiously.

Her eyes swept up to meet mine. The deep indigo hue that they held was enchanting. The way the purple melted away from the black of her pupils. It intermingled with traces of blue as it got further from the center. The most amazing thing was the gold flecks which were peppered throughout the dark background. The gold glinted and glittered under the yellow lighting.

“You know what will happen, Skylar. Kandee would never forgive me.” She said sadly.

“Forgive you? For what?” I asked genuinely confused.

A small blush bloomed across her cheeks as she shook her head. It was as if she was waging a war within her own mind. She was trying to work out some complex problem that only she could decipher.

“Well.....It's just, I-I kind of like you.....And it would kill Kandee to lose you...” She said trying to avoid my gaze.

So she felt it to. The sparks which had ignited a fire within my heart.

Kandee's POV

I approached Skylar and Amy, only to find them arguing about something.

“We need to leave.” I said flatly.

Sky looked at me with a worried expression.

“He doesn't even remember me.” I stated numbly.

“Maybe you should stay. Try and help him to remember?” Amy suggested.

I fixed a icy glare on her, and I swear if looks could kill, she would be dead.

“No. I have to get ready for school tomorrow.” I said in a clipped tone.

I didn't feel heart-broken or sad. No, I was blinded with rage. I was numb to my core yet somehow filled with rage. I didn't know who or what I was angry with, which only confused me further. How could I be so filled with rage yet numb at the same time?

“Kandee.” Sky said resting a hand on my shoulder.

“I want to go home.” I said, my voice cracking.

“Okay.” Sky said taking my hand.


Sorry it's short!

Kind of having a really super crumby day!

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