Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I was up all night and now I was paying for it big time. Yet i was terrified to sleep. But after awhile i gave up fighting and dropped into a restless slumber.

When i awoke it was almost 6:30PM. Luckly i avoid any dreams.

I got up and went to my mirror. I was a mess. My hair was a tangled jumble. My cheeks were red and puffy. My eyes were blood shot and had purple bags under them. Great i looked like a freaking vampire.

Not for long i thought to myself.

I dragged a brush through my hair until it was soft and silky. I put on several layers of conceler to hide my cheeks and the bags under my eyes. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans. I tugged on a tight pink shirt. Slid on my hot pink converse, a pair of giant sunglasses, and finished with my bite me neclace.

I got down stairs and grabbed my keys before jogging to my car.

I put the key in the ignition and turn it on.

" Where are you going?!" Matt and Sky cried as i sped off.

I had one place in mind. The only place that ever made me feel better.

I pulled into the driveway and ran to the barn. I clicked my tounge and Caspers head appeared over his stall door.

"Hi buddy. Want go for a run?" I asked stroking his neck.

I tacked up and lead Casper outside. I pulled myself into the saddle. Squezed my legs to get him to run. And we were off.

Caspers ghostly white coat glowed in the moonlight. I have owned him since i was a kid. He was a gift from my dad and mom.

I urged casper forward as we raced along the trail. Suddenly Casper skid to a halt and i flew from the saddle.

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