Chapter 54

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Just to clarify: Cole and Kandee are NOT engaged. I know the way it was worded was confusing so.

Okay so I have finally decided! This is Book 1 of the Kandee Land series!!! Do you like the name??

I am so excited! Challenge Day is tomorrow!

So if you don't want to answer some questions about the story just scroll down to read the chapter. But for those who do want to answer her we go!

Who is your favorite character?

What do you think would make the story better?

What do you think the title should be for book 2?

Who is your favorite character?

Have you ever read the story “Demented Wars”?

What is your favorite story?

Ugh......Woke up this morning and it was only 38 degrees out!!! I hate cold weather. Hate it with a passion. I can't wait for warmer weather......If only it weren't going to be winter soon........

Happy some unknown holiday day! There is always some kind of weird unknown holiday going on somewhere!

So this afternoon I had English. Well really the class starts in the morning and ends in the afternoon but oh well. So I came into to the room and was like good morning peoples! And everyone looked at me like I was nuts! SO then leaving class I was all good afternoon. And they still looked at me like I was crazy!

Who knows what my favorite color is? Actually I don't have a favorite color. I feel that it is unfair to like one color better than all the others. So I like all colors!!

Who said you can't be ten feet tall? Gravity!!!!

Who said I can't be superman? My mom!

Who said I can't be president? Politics!

Who said I can't be world wide? The laws of physics! (Can't be in two places at once.)

Yep gotta love some good old Hannah Montana! Not Really.........

Mi ammo Melissa! I think That means My name is Melissa! LOL!!

My favorite book right now is “Angel” by James Patterson.

Now that I am done with my random facts! Here is the latest chapter of Against All Odds!

Chapter 54

Kandee's POV

I was sobbing uncontrollably while Cole held me close in his arms. I Couldn't believe what was going on! He had done what no one else had ever done before. He had taken it upon himself to prove to me that he was the one who would be there for me no matter what. He had become my immortal.

Stick and stones may break my bones. But his love is what will shield me.

He had proven that there was good in this world. He had become the sunshine that burst through the clouds. He was my knight in shining armor.

I looked up at Cole's pastel eyes which glittered with happiness. I was mesmerized with the unique color of his eyes. They were a soft mellow green yet the almost became neon when he was excited. The turned a deep grass like hue when he got upset, and they were very pale when he was scared. Yet they always sparkled with some form of emotion. Always full of life.

I frowned as Cole stood up. He didn't even offer his hand to help me up. A shriek passed through my lips as he scooped me into his arms, cradling me like a newborn. Realizing that I was not in any danger, I relaxed. Cole chuckled, probably at my shocked expression.

“What you thought I was going to make you get up all on your own?” He asked softly.

His words were meant to be light and probably humorous. But instead of laughing tears formed a film in my red eyes. Cole looked worried and utterly confused. His grip on me tightened as he walked slowly into the house. His eyes never left mine. Which is probably why he almost tripped over the coffee table.

“Smooth, smooth as ice....” I giggled.

Cole just rolled his eyes and set me gently on the couch. After he was sure that I was safely sitting on the soft cushions, he went to shut the door. He returned about a minute later.

“Aladdin!” I called.

Aladdin's tiny paws beat in a steady rhythm across the floors of the house. He slid to a stop in front of me, yapping loudly and trying to climb onto my lap. I chuckled and scooped the small puppy into my arms.

“Hey! Don't forget about me.” Cole joked.

“Awe, Cole are you jealous of the puppy?” I teased.

“Why yes. Yes I am.” He said, puffing out his chest.


Okay So I had challenge day Yesterday!!!!!!!!

It was so much fun! I really want to do it again next year!!!

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